Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

October, 2024

What's Up

Oct 5
Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery Pumpkin Patch    10am-12n    $7.00 cash per child.
Oct 9
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:30 pm
Oct 13
Blessing of the Animals 4:00pm 
Bring your pets to be blessed by our Pastor Stephanie.
Please use leashes or cages depending on type of animal

Oct 17
Picture Day 9:00 am

Oct 30
Spirit Day - Favorite Characters
Wear your favorite Hello Kitty, Spiderman shirt or other favorite character. No costumes.

Oct 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties 10am
Each family is required to bring a large bag of individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 25.
Please drop it off in the school office.  Thank you for your support.
Please do not bring candy with nuts in it.

Classroom Harvest Parties 
-Please sign up with your child’s teacher to bring a special lunch item.

Trunk & Treat
-Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
-Please see Dar if you can help.

-Children can come in their costumes.
-Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
-Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.

-Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

If your child is potty-trained or training, please take them to the bathroom upon entering our School.

*We are selling 2025 Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the eleventh year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and look. See Dar for more information.

September, 2024

What's Up

Sep 2
School closed for

Sep 9
National Teddy Bear Day
Your child can bring a teddy bear with them to school today.  Please make sure their name is on the tag.

Sep 11
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

Sep 15
Blessing of the Back Packs at Eden Lutheran Church
Service starts at 10:00am

Sep 25
Spirit Day
Wear clothes to show off your favorite sport or team.

Letters of the week
Sep 2-6 = C
Sep 16-20 = E              
Sep 9-13 = D
Sep 23-27 = F

Please take your child to the bathroom before taking them to their classroom. This helps with our morning transitions.
Please check your child’s cubby daily for supplies.  If diapering- your child needs diapers and wipes.  If potty training- your child needs pull- ups, wipes, and lots of spare clothes.  All children need weather appropriate extra clothes.  Please make sure everything is labeled. Thank you!

August, 2024

What's Up

Welcome to our new families!
Welcome Back to our continuing families!

Jul 31
Last Day for all children not returning to Eden for the 2024-2025 School Year

Aug 1
School closed for In-service.

Aug 2
School closed for In-service.
Aug 5
First Day of School for 2024-2025
Aug 14
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

Aug 23
Back to School   6:00pm
Please come to meet everyone and hear about your child’s classroom.

Aug 28
Spirit Day
Wear your favorite Color. Do it up and have fun.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is August 1.
The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2024.

For the safety of the children and staff please do not allow anyone you don’t know to enter the main gate with you.  Please ask them to wait for staff .

Please take your child to the restroom upon arriving at school and before signing them in.  This will help your child be ready to start their day.

July, 2024

What's Up

Jul 4
School closed for Independence Day

Jul 9
Water Play Day
Children need a swimsuit, water shoes, and a clearly labeled towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

Jul 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

Jul 20
Eden Lutheran Church Family Movie Event 3:00-5:00pm

Jul 24
Dress Hawaiian! Have fun with it.

Water Play Day
Children need a swimsuit, water shoes, and a clearly labeled towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

$80 Re-registration fee is due August 1, 2024.

It's getting hot- so here are a few warm-weather reminders.

Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear, spray-on type to avoid cross-contamination.
Please apply sunscreen to your child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
If desired, you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. We prefer sippy/thermal style cups without small caps. It will be kept in your child's cubby.
Children can not wear flip-flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2024

What's Up

Jun 5
Waterplay Day
We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls.  Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel, and a change of clothes just in case.  If you have not provided us with clear spray sunscreen, please bring some.  Swimsuits are not necessary.  Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

Jun 12
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

Jun 21
Waterplay Day
Your child can come in their swimsuit and will need water shoes, a beach towel, and a change of clothes in a clearly marked bag.  If you have not provided us with clear spray sunscreen, please bring some.  Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

Jun 26
Dress Patriotic.  RED, WHITE & BLUE. Have fun with it!

*We will be closed on July 4 for Independence Day.  

Summertime reminders:
-Flip-flops are not allowed.  All sandals must have back straps and no heels.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it. This is to prevent cross contamination.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle or thermos cups for your child, please clearly label them.  We prefer child safe cups to water bottles due to the caps being a potential choking hazard.

May, 2024

What's Up

May 6-10
Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

May 10
Teacher's Lunch
Please sign up in the office for the Teachers’ Lunch on Friday.

May 24
Trike-a-thon 10:00am
Don’t forget to get pledges
Come and cheer them on!

May 27
School Closed for Memorial
Have a great holiday weekend!  

May 29
Spirit Day- Mismatch Day
Wear clothes that don’t match. Have Fun with it

May 31
Transitional Kindergarten Graduation 10:00 am
All children in the Birdie Class will go home after the Graduation Ceremony

Please Remember:
Take your child to the bathroom before entering the classroom if they are potty-trained.  This makes the transition much easier.
Bring sunscreen clearly marked with your child’s name.  It must be the kind that sprays clear to avoid cross contamination.  

April, 2024

What's Up

Apr 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

Apr 22-26
Please bring child safe flowers for the children to plant in our Preschool gardens.

Apr 24
Spirit Day
Please dress your child in western wear.  Yee-Haw!  

-Please take your child to the bathroom before entering the classrooms.
-Please check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes.

March, 2024

What's Up

Mar 1
Read Across America
Please have your child bring a book from home to share with their class.  Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

Mar 6
Riverside Fire Department Demo at 9:30 am

Mar 12
School Board Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 pm

Mar 18
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch 

Mar 20
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background. The Transitional Kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Mar 27
Annual Grandparent’s Day, sack lunch picnic, Easter Egg Hunt & Spirit Day

Spirit Day-Everyone wears Easter or Spring related attire if able.  Even pastel colored is good.                                      
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home as well as everyone attending the picnic.   
Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers.  Please drop them off in the school office by March 22, 2024.

February, 2024

What's Up

Feb 8
Just For Kids Pediatric Dentistry is coming to talk about our teeth and healthy dental habits. 10:00am

Feb 13
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Feb 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

Feb 19
School is closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.    
Have a great weekend!

Feb 21
Spirit Day - Please dress your child in Disney- and Pixar-themed clothes.
It is our makeup day for the Elk’s Free Vision screening.
If your child did not get tested on January 4, 2024 we can do it today. 

Please take your child to one of our restrooms before dropping them off in the classroom.  This allows for a smoother transition.

IMPORTANT- When entering the main gate please do not allow others to come through with you unless you know they are fellow parents.

January, 2024

What's Up

Eden Preschool was voted “Best of the Best 2024 Inland Empire”

Jan 1
Closed for New Year’s Day

Jan 2
Closed for New Year’s Holiday

Jan 4
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s will start at 9:15 am

Jan 5
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s will start at 9:15 am

Jan 10
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Jan 15
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
Have a great weekend!

Jan 31
Spirit Day- Please bring your child in weather appropriate pajamas.
You should also send extra clothes just in case your child decides to change.

Due to holiday gatherings- please do not bring your child if they are displaying COVID or other illness symptoms.  If your child has been directly exposed to COVID and is recommended that you keep your child at home for 5 days and test before returning. Please help us avoid closure due to COVID. The last two years we have had to close for a couple of days at the end of January due to COVID.

Thank you to all the parents that brought items for our Holiday events.  It means a lot to our staff and students.

-If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child.  We are running out of extras.
-Please label all jackets and sweaters.
-Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month.  A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2023

What's Up

Dec 13
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Dec 14
Eden Church Service Christmas Program 10:00 am
Please have your child here by 9:30 dressed in their Sunday best.
Dec 17
Our children will sing Christmas songs at an Eden Lutheran Church Service.
The service starts at 10:00 am. Please have them in their Sunday best.
Luther Glen will bring out some of their cutest farm animals right after the service.
We are so excited.

Dec 20
Classroom Christmas Parties. Please sign up in your child’s class to bring a lunch item or treat.

Dec 25
School Closed for Christmas Day

Dec 26
School Closed for Christmas

Dec 27
Spirit Day - Crazy Hair Day
Jan 1
School Closed for New Year's Day

Jan 2
School Closed for New Year's
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

November, 2023

What's Up

Nov 8
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Nov 17
Thanksgiving Feast 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff, and families.
Please sign up in the office to bring a food item.
Let me know how many people will be attending.

Nov 23
School closed for Thanksgiving
Have a Blessed Holiday!

Nov 24
School closed for Thanksgiving Weekend

Nov 29
Spirit Day
Wear Christmas themed attire today.
Go Christmas Crazy!

We still have Shop Riverside Cards.  They are $15 each and packed with discounts.  Please purchase yours in the school office. Great stocking stuffer!

October, 2023

What's Up

Oct 7
Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery Pumpkin Patch   10am-12n   $7.00 cash per child.

Oct 8
Blessing of the Animals 4:00pm
Bring your pets to be blessed by our Pastor Stephanie.  Please use leashes or cages depending on type of animal

Oct 11
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Oct 19
Picture Day  9:00am

Oct 25
Spirit Day
Wear Halloween or Fall themed clothes.

Oct 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties 10:00am
Each family is required to bring a bag of individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 25.
Please drop it off in the school office.  Please do not bring candy with nuts in it.  

Classroom Harvest Parties
-Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item

Trunk & Treat
-Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.  
-Please see Dar if you can help.

-Children can come in their costumes.
-Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
-Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.

-Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

If your child is potty-trained, please take them to the bathroom upon entering our School.

*We are selling 2024 Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the tenth year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card).  We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family.   This card is full of great deals- come and look.  See Dar for more information.

September, 2023

What's Up

Sep 4
School closed for Labor Day

Sep 13
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Sep 8
National Teddy Bear Day is tomorrow-
Your child can bring a teddy bear with them to school.  Please make sure their name is on the tag.

Sep 27
Spirit Day
Wear clothes to show off your favorite sport or team.

Letters of the week
Aug 4-8 = C
Aug 21-25 = A
Aug 28-Sept 1 = B
Sep 11-15= D
Sep 18-22 = E
Sep 25-29 = F
*Duckies alphabet dates may differ.

Please check your child’s cubby daily for supplies.
If diapering- your child needs diapers and wipes.
If potty training- your child needs pull-ups, wipes, and lots of spare clothes.
If your child is completely potty trained- your child needs weather appropriate extra clothes.

August, 2023

What's Up

It's a new school year!
Welcome to our new families!
Welcome Back to our continuing families!

Aug 2
Last day for all children not returning to Eden for the 2023- 2024

Aug 3
School closed for In-service.

Aug 4
School closed for In-service.

Aug 7
First Day of School for 2023-2024

Aug 9
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Aug 25
Back to School 6:00pm
Please come to meet everyone and hear about your child’s classroom.

Aug 30
Wear your favorite Color.
Do it up and have fun.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by August 11.  
The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2023.

Please take your child to the restroom upon arriving at school and before signing them in. This will help your child be ready to start their day.

July, 2023

What's Up

Jul 3
School closes at 12:30pm

Jul 4
School Closed for Independence Day

Jul 12
Water play Day
Children need water shoes and a towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

Jul 13
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Jul 26
Dress Hawaiian Have fun with it

Jul 27
Water play Day
Children need water shoes and a towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

Aug 3
School closed for In-Service

Aug 4
School closed for In-Service

$80.00 Re-registration fee is due August 1, 2023

It’s getting hot-so here are a few warm weather reminders.
- Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type to avoid cross contamination.
- Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
- If desired, you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. 2 Year olds must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
- Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2023

What's Up

Jun 2
Transitional Kindergarten Graduation 10:00 am
All children in the Birdie Class will go home after the Graduation Ceremony.

Jun 7
Waterplay Day
We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls.  Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel, and a change of clothes just in case.  If you have not provided us with clear spray sunscreen, please bring some.  Swimsuits are not necessary.  Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

Jun 8
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Jun 27
Waterplay Day
Your child can come in their swimsuit and will need water shoes, a beach towel, and a change of clothes in a clearly marked bag.  If you have not provided us with clear spray sunscreen, please bring some.  Swimsuits are not necessary.  Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

Jun 28
Dress Patriotic.  RED, WHITE & BLUE. Have fun with it!

*We may close after lunch on July 3.
*We will be closed on July 4 for Independence Day.  
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend

Summertime reminders:
-Flip-flops are not allowed.  All sandals must have back straps and no heels.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it. This is to prevent cross contamination.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle or thermos cups for your child, please clearly label the bottle.

May, 2023

What's Up

May 8-12
Teacher Appreciation Week
Please sign up in the office for the Teachers’ Lunch on Friday, May 12.

May 11
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

May 19
Trike-a-thon 10:00am
Don’t forget to get pledges
Come and cheer them on!

May 29
School Closed for Memorial Day
Have a great holiday weekend!  

May 31
Sports Day- wear clothes to show your support for your favorite sport and (or) team.
Please remember to bring sunscreen clearly marked with your child’s name.  It must be the kind that sprays clear to avoid cross contamination.

April, 2023

What's Up

Apr 2
Our preschool will sing during the Palm Sunday Service at Eden Lutheran Church. Service starts at 10:00am outside with a procession into the church. There will be a petting zoo after the service for your family to enjoy. We are collecting food and items for the farm animals. Please talk to Dar if you can purchase much needed supplies.

Apr 3
Please bring at least 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. No nuts or food containing nuts. Please drop them off in the school office by this date.

Apr 5
Grandparents’ Day, Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt 10:00
Each child and family member attending are required to bring a sack lunch.

Apr 7
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend.

Apr 13
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Apr 17-21 Please bring child safe flowers for the children to plant in our Preschool gardens.

Apr 26
Crazy Hair Day.

March, 2023

What's Up

Mar 2
Read Across America
Please have your child bring a book from home to share with their class.  Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

Mar 6
Riverside Fire Department demo in the parking lot at approx. 10am.

Mar 9
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Mar 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 23
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background. The Transitional Kindergarten (Birdies) class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Apr 5
Grandparents’ Day will be combined with our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic.  We hope to see our Grandparents’ there.

February, 2023

What's Up

Feb 9
School Board Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom

Feb 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something.  Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

Feb 20
School is closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.    
Have a great weekend!
Feb 22
Pajama day-wear your favorite P.J.s today.

Feb 23
Just For Kids Pediatric Dentistry is coming to talk about our teeth and healthy dental habits.

It’s tax time again:  Our tax identification number is 33-0820017.  

January, 2023

What's Up

Jan 2, 2023
Closed for New Year’s Holiday

Jan 3
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s starting at 9:15 am

Jan 4
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s starting at 9:15 am

Jan 12
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm via Zoom

Jan 16
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Have a great weekend!

Due to holiday gatherings- please do not bring your child if they are displaying COVID or other illness symptoms.
If your child has been directly exposed to COVID it is recommended that you keep your child home for 5 days and test before returning.
Please help us avoid closure due to COVID.

Thank you to all the parents that brought items for our Holiday events. It means a lot to our staff and students.

- If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child. We are running out of extras.
- Please label all jackets and sweaters.
- Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
- Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2022

What's Up

Dec 8
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm via Zoom

Dec 11
Our children will sing Christmas songs at an Eden Lutheran Church Service. Service starts at 10:00 am. Please have them in their Sunday best. Luther Glen will bring out some of their cutest farm animals right after the service. We are so excited.

Dec 14
Classroom Christmas Parties. Please sign up in your child’s class to bring a lunch item or treat.

Dec 16
Christmas Program 10:00 am
Please have your child here by 9:30 dressed in their Sunday best.

Dec 23
School Closed for Christmas Eve

Dec 26
School Closed for Christmas

Dec 30
School Closed for New Years Eve

Jan 2
School Closed for New Years Day

November, 2022

What's Up

Nov 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:30pm

Nov 18
Thanksgiving Feast 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff, and families.  Please sign up in the office to bring a food item.  Let me know how many people will be attending.
Nov 24 School closed for Thanksgiving
Have a Blessed Holiday!

Nov 25 School closed for Thanksgiving

We still have Shop Riverside Cards.  They are $15 each and packed with discounts.  Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2022

What's Up

Oct 13
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

Oct 20
Picture Day 9:00 am

Oct 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties 10:00am      
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 25.
Please drop it off in the school office.  Please do not bring candy with nuts in it.  

Classroom Harvest Parties 
-Please sign up in your child's classroom to bring a special lunch item                                  

Trunk & Treat
-Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.  
-Please see Dar if you can help.

-Children can come in their costumes.
-Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child's costume back in it.
-Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
-Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

*We are selling 2023 Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the ninth year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family.   This card is full of great deals- come and look.  See Dar for more information.

*Children can only have a secure fitting sheet and 1 small blanket.  No stuffed animals or pillows are allowed on the cots.  If a child is having a hard time sleeping without their stuffed animal, we can put it next to their cot on the floor.

September, 2022

What's Up

Sep 5
School closed for Labor Day

Sep 8
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

Sep 9
National Teddy Bear Day - Your child can bring a teddy bear with them to school.
Please make sure their name is on the tag.

The students and staff of Eden Lutheran School are selling the Shop Riverside Cards. We have been successfully participating in this fundraiser for over 10 years. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. These cards are valid now through December 30, 2023. Don’t forget to pick one up and show them off to friends and relatives.  They are easy to sell and make great gifts.

Please check your child’s cubby daily for supplies.
- If diapering: your child needs diapers and wipes.
- If potty training: your child needs pull-ups, wipes, and lots of spare clothes.
- If your child is completely potty trained: your child needs weather appropriate extra clothes.
Thank you

August, 2022

What's Up

July 28
School closed for In-Service

July 29
School closed for In-Service

August 1
First Day of School

August 11
School Board via Zoom 6:00pm

August 26
Back to School 6:00pm
Due to COVID, we will not be serving dinner.
Please come to meet everyone and hear about your child’s classroom.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by August 5.
The new tuition rates will start on August 1, 2022.

COVID reminders
-Each child will be checked upon arriving at school. Any child with a temp over 100.4 degrees or a green runny nose will not be permitted to stay.

July, 2022

What's Up

July 1
Wear Red, White and Blue today

July 4
School Closed for Independence Day

July 13
Water play Day
Children need water shoes and a towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 14
School Board via Zoom 6:00pm

July 21
Water play Day
Children need water shoes and a towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 28
School closed for In-Service

July 29
School closed for In-Service

$ 80.00 Re-registration fee is due August 1, 2022

It’s getting hot - so here are a few warm weather reminders.

Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type to avoid cross contamination.
Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
If desired, you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. 2-year-olds must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
Children cannot wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2022

What's Up

June 3
Pre- Kindergarten Graduation 10:00am

June 10
School Board via Zoom 6:00pm

June 8
Waterplay Day
We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls. Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel, and a change of clothes just in case. If you have not provided us with clear spray sunscreen, please bring some. Swimsuits are not necessary. Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important

June 28
Waterplay Day
We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls. Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel, and a change of clothes just in case. If you have not provided us with clear spray sunscreen, please bring some. Swimsuits are not necessary. Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

July 5
Closed for Independence Day.
Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend

Summertime reminders:

-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it. This is to prevent cross contamination.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle or thermos cups for your child please clearly label the bottle.

May, 2022

What's Up

May 2-6
Teacher Appreciation Week
Please sign-up in the office for the Teachers’ Lunch on Friday, May 6.

May 6
Trike-a-thon 10:00am
Don’t forget to get pledges! Fun-Fun-Fun! Come and cheer them on!

May 30
School Closed for Memorial Day
Have a great holiday weekend!

Please remember to bring sunscreen clearly marked with your child’s name. It must be the kind that sprays clear to avoid cross contamination.

April, 2022

What's Up

April 7
School Board via Zoom 6:00pm

April 8
Please bring at least 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. Please drop them off in the school office by this date.

April 10
Our preschool will sing during the Palm Sunday Service at Eden Lutheran Church.
If you can attend, please drop your child off in the Froggie Room at 9:45 am and join the service. There will be a petting zoo after the service for your family to enjoy. We are collecting boxes of plain cheerios for the farm animals. If you are able to purchase some, please drop it off in the school office before or on Palm Sunday.

April 13
Grandparents’ Day, Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt.
Each child and family member attending are required to bring a sack lunch.

April 15
School closed
Have a great Easter weekend!

April 18-22
Please bring child safe flowers for the children to plant in our Flag garden and Christian gate garden.

Coming Soon!
May 2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6
Trike-a-thon Fundraiser - 10:00 am
Everyone is invited to come watch. Please use the pledge forms to collect pledges from family, friends, etc… Thank you for your support.

March, 2022

What's Up

March 2
Read Across America
Please have your child bring a book from home to share with their class. Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

March 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

March 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 23
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background. The Pre-Kindergarten (Birdies) class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Grandparents’ Day will be combined with our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic. This event is scheduled on April 13, 2022.  We hope to see our Grandparents there.

Recently, I attended a Webinar sponsored by California's Child Care Licensing Program and Department of Public Health. I was informed that all teachers and parents must wear masks while inside the buildings at this time. The children must be encouraged to wear them also while indoors. We were told that they are hoping to change the mandates as COVID numbers decrease.

Remember to make sure your child has a clean and clearly labeled face mask each day.

February, 2022

What's Up

February 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

February 10
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s. - Starting at 9:30am
Please complete the paperwork (if you do not want your child tested) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children 3-8 years old will be tested, some 2 years can be tested, depending on their level of understanding. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days, an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate.

February 11
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s. - Starting at 9:30am
Please complete the paperwork (if you do not want your child tested) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children 3-8 years old will be tested, some 2 years can be tested, depending on their level of understanding. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days, an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate.

February 14 Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher

February 21
School closed for Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

- If your child has been exposed to COVID, please let me know and keep them home for at least five days before testing. Most home tests are approved, please speak to Dar.
- Please make sure your child has a clean and labeled mask in their cubby every day. 3, 4 & 5 year olds need to come in a mask if possible.

January, 2022

What's Up

January 3
Closed for New Year’s Holiday

January 4
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s has been cancelled due to COVID.  We will notify you if a new date is set.

January 5
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s has been cancelled due to COVID.  We will notify you if a new date is set.

January 13
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

January 17
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
Have a great weekend!

Thank you to all the parents that brought items for our Holiday events.  It means a lot to our staff and students.

- Please provide a clean and labeled mask for your child daily. Label should be on the inside.
- If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child.  We are running out of extras.
- Please label all jackets and sweaters.
- Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
- Tuition is due by the first of each month.  A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2021

What's Up

December 15
Classroom Christmas Parties.
Please sign up in your child’s class to bring a lunch item or treat.

December 16
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

December 17
Christmas Program 10:00am
Please have your child here by 9:30 dressed in their Sunday best.

December 19
Our children will sing Christmas songs at an Eden Lutheran Church Service.
Service starts at 10:00 am. Please have them in their Sunday best.
Luther Glen will bring out some of their cutest farm animals right after the service.
We are so excited.

December 24
School Closed for Christmas

December 25
Christmas Day

December 27
School Closed for Christmas

December 31
School Closed for New Year's Eve

January 3
School Closed for New Year's

Novmber, 2021

What's Up

November 11
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

November 19
Thanksgiving Feast 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff, and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let me know how many people will be attending. This year we must limit it to parents, grandparents and siblings only. All adults in attendance must wear a mask.

November 25
School closed for Thanksgiving Day

November 26
School closed for Thanksgiving Weekend
Have a Blessed Holiday!

Each child must have a mask available to them while at school. Please make sure you child has a clean clearly mask in or attached to their cubby.

October, 2021

What's Up

October 14
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

Oct. 29
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties 10am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 25.
Please drop it off in the school office. Please do not bring candy with nuts in it. We have children with nut allergies.

Classroom Harvest Parties
-Please sign up in your child's classroom to bring a special lunch item.

Trunk & Treat
-Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
-Please see Dar if you can help.

-Children can come in their costumes.
-Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child's costume back in it.
-Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
-Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

Very Important Information:
*Please make sure that your child has a mask to wear every day. This is a state licensing mandate.

September, 2021

What's Up

September 6
School Closed for Labor Day

September 9
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

COVID-related Requirements
All parents and staff will cover their nose and mouth with a mask the entire time they are on the grounds.
Parents and children who are feeling ill are not permitted onto the facility.
Adults must maintain a 6-foot space between themselves and others when possible.
Every child must bring a mask daily and be encouraged to wear it. If the child refuses to wear it, they can hang on the hook on their cubby to wear when they will.
Parents are asked to avoid entering the classrooms. Please try to remain just outside the door, in the doorway or cubby area if entry is necessary.

August, 2021

What's Up

July 29 School closed for In-service. July 30 School closed for In-service. August 2 First Day of School August 12 School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm August 27
Back to School Night 6:00pm
Due to COVID we will not be serving dinner.
Please come to meet everyone and hear about your child’s classroom.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by August 6.
The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2021

COVID related requirements:
-All parents and staff will cover their nose and mouth with a mask the entire time they are on the grounds.
-Children are encouraged to wear face masks. Please provide one daily with your child’s name printed clearly inside.
-Each child will have their temperature taken upon arriving at school. Any child with a temp of 100.4 or over will not be permitted to stay.
-Parents and children who are feeling ill are not permitted onto the facility.

July, 2021

What's Up

July 4
School Closed for Independence Day!

July 8
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

June, 2021

What's Up

June 9
Water Play Day
We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls. Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel and a change of clothes just in case. If you have not provided us with clear spray sun screen please bring some. Swim suits are not necessary. Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

June 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

June 24
Water Play Day
We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls. Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel and a change of clothes just in case. If you have not provided us with clear spray sun screen please bring some. Swim suits are not necessary. Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

*We will be closed on July 5 for Independence Day. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend!

Summertime reminders:

-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it. This is to prevent cross contamination.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle or thermos cups for your child please clearly label the bottle.

May, 2021

What's Up

Due to COVID19 this schedule is tentative.
We are running on a week-to-week basis at this time, but will keep our families notified as to any changes as timely as possible.

May 4-8
Teacher Appreciation Week
Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 8th.

May 25
School Closed for Memorial Day!
Have a great holiday weekend!

May 27
Spring pictures 9:00am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background .If enough parents are interested, the Pre-Kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Please join us as we pray for God’s protection and guidance during these difficult and scary times.

April, 2021

What's Up

April 2
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

April 8
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

Thank You for wearing your face mask while on our facility.

March, 2021

What's Up

March 2
Read Across America
Please have your child bring a book from home to share with their class. Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

March 11
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

March 17
Green eggs and Ham Lunch

March 24
Spring Pictures beginning at 9:00 am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

March 31
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home. Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. Please drop them off in the school office by March 26.

Donations Needed:
We are in need of empty Pringles canisters or tennis ball canisters. We need the tall ones to hold puppets up. We will be happy to empty them if they are unopened.

Thank You for wearing your face mask while on our facility.

February, 2021

What's Up

February 11
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

February 12
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 15
School is closed in observance of President’s Day.
Have a great weekend!

It’s tax time again. Our tax identification number is 33-0820017.

January, 2021

What's Up

January 1
School closed for New Year’s Day
Welcome to the New Year!

January 4-5
Elk’s free eye screening has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
We will notify you if a new date is set.

January 14
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

January 18
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Have a great weekend!

Thank you to all the parents that brought items for our Holiday events. It means a lot to our staff and students.

-If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child. We are running out of extras.
-Please label all jackets and sweaters.
-Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.
-During the COVID 19 crisis our school will open to students 7:00 am – 5:30 pm to allow for cleaning.

December, 2020

What's Up

December 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

December 16
Classroom Parties
Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a lunch item or treat.
Remember: Due to COVID, all items must be brought by December 11, 2020.

December 24
School closed for Christmas Eve

December 25
School closed for Christmas Day

December 31
School closed for New Year’s Eve

Upcoming Events:

January 1, 2021
School closed for New Year’s Day

January 4-5 2021
Elk’s free eye screening if able. Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet as well as ours. This may be canceled due to CDC guidelines.


November, 2020

What's Up

November 12
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

November 20
Thanksgiving Feast Lunch
Due to COVID-19, this lunch will be for the children and staff only. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item.

November 26
School closed for Thanksgiving Day

November 27
School closed for Thanksgiving Weekend

We still have Shop Riverside Cards. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2020

What's Up

October 19
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

October 22
Fall Picture Day
Each child will have their picture taken with a Fall background. Pictures will be taken outside for the children’s health and safety. You should be receiving emails or texts with details and purchasing instructions.

October 30
Harvest Lunch Parties 11:00am

It is a tradition to have parents participate in our festivities for this day, but due to COVID19 we will not be having our annual Trunk & Treating. We must limit visitors, so we can’t have parents at our lunch parties either. We request each family bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 26th. We will hand out bags of treats during our lunch parties. Please drop it off in the school office. We are all disappointed in the way things must be this year, but we are going to make it fun for our little goblins.

Classroom Harvest Parties
-Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item

-Children can come in their costumes.
-Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
-Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
-Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.


We will be selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the eighth year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more information.

September, 2020

What's Up

September 4
Due to COVID-19, Back to School Night has been cancelled

September 7
School Closed for Labor Day

September 19
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

COVID related requirements:
- All parents and staff will cover their nose and mouth with a mask the entire time they are on the grounds.
- Each child will have their temperature taken upon arriving at school. Any child with a temp of 100.4 or over will not be permitted to stay.
- Parents and children who are feeling ill are not permitted onto the facility.
- Adults must maintain a 6 ft space between themselves and others when possible.

August, 2020

What's Up

July 31
School Closed for In-Service

August 3
First Day of School

August 13
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

Upcoming Events

September 4
Back to School 5:30pm (If possible)

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by August 5. The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2020.

COVID related requirements:
- All parents and staff will cover their nose and mouth with a mask the entire time they are on the grounds.
- Each child will have their temperature taken upon arriving at school. Any child with a temp of 100.4 or over will not be permitted to stay.
- Parents and children who are feeling ill are not permitted onto the facility.
- Adults must maintain a 6 ft space between themselves and others when possible.

July, 2020

What's Up

July 3
School Closed

July 9
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

July 15
Waterplay Day
Due to COVID 19 we will be using the water tables and water walls. Children need water shoes and a towel. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 29
Jumper Day We will be setting the jumper up in the Fellowship Hall. Please dress you child in comfortable clothing and easy to use shoes.

July 30
School Closed for In-Service

July 31
School Closed for In-Service


Due to COVID-19 there will be health checks each morning which can include taking your child’s temperature and looking for signs of illness.

It’s getting hot- so here are a few warm weather reminders.
- Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type to avoid cross contamination.
- Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
- If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. 2 Year olds must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
- Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2020

What's Up

June 11
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

June 17
Water Play Day
Due to circumstances as they are, we are unable to bring out the waterslides and pools this year. We will be setting up the water tables and Little Tyke Water Walls. Your child will need water shoes, a beach towel and a change of clothes just in case. If you have not provided us with clear spray sun screen please bring some. Swim suits are not necessary. Their shoes will get wet so water shoes and (or) spare shoes will be very important.

*We will be closed on July 3 for Independence Day. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Weekend

Summertime reminders:
- Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
- Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
- If you bring a water bottle for your child please clearly label the bottle. Ms. Shannon’s class can bring clearly labeled sippy cups, no water bottles with small caps are allowed in this room.

May, 2020

What's Up

Due to COVID19, this schedule is tentative. We are running on a week-to-week basis at this time, but will keep our families notified as to any changes as timely as possible.

May 4-8
Teacher Appreciation Week.
Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 8th.

May 25
School Closed for Memorial Day
Have a great holiday weekend!

May 27
Spring pictures - 9:00am

Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background .If enough parents are interested, the Pre-Kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Please join us as we pray for God’s protection and guidance during these difficult and scary times.

April, 2020

What's Up

Due to COVID19, this schedule is tentative. We are running on a week-to-week basis at this point, but will keep our families notified as to any changes as timely as possible.

April 8
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home. Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. Please drop them off in the school office by April 6.

April 9
School Board - 6:00 pm

April 10
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

Please join us as we pray for God’s protection and guidance during these difficult and scary times.

March, 2020

What's Up

March 2
Read Across America
Please have you child bring a book from home to share with their class. Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

March 3
Dentist visit today - 10:00 am

March 13
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

March 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 20
Grandparents’ Day - 10:00-11:00 am
Please invite your child’s grandparent to spend some time with their Preschooler. They will get to meet their grandchild’s teacher and friends. We will have cookies, lemonade and a photo booth set up. Please let me know how many people will be attending from your family.

March 25
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00 am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background as well as a solid color background of your choice. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Parents: Please remember to stock your child’s cubby with weather appropriate extra clothes. Please check daily for diapers and wipes if your child uses them.

February, 2020

What's Up

February 5
Riverside Fire Department
Demonstration in the parking lot at approximately - 10:00 am

February 13
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

February 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 17
School is closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

It’s tax time again: Our tax identification number is 33-0820017

January, 2020

What's Up

January 1
School Closed for New Year’s Day

January 6
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s - 9:30 am
Please complete the paperwork (if required) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children must be 3-6 years old. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate.

January 7
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s - 9:30 am
Please complete the paperwork (if required) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children must be 3-6 years old. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate.

January 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

January 20
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
Have a great weekend!

Thank you to all the parents that bought items for our Holiday events. It means a lot to our staff and students.

-If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child. We are running out of extras.
-Please label all jackets and sweaters.
-Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th .

December, 2019

What's Up

December 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

December 15
Our children will sing Christmas songs at an Eden Lutheran Church service. Service starts at 10:00 am.
Please have them in their Sunday best. We are so excited.

December 18
Classroom Christmas Parties.
Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a lunch item or treat.

December 20
Christmas Program - 10:00 am
Please have your child here by 9:30 dressed in their Sunday best.

December 23
School Closed for Christmas Holiday

December 24
School Closed for Christmas Eve

December 25
School Closed for Christmas Day

December 30
School Closed for New Year's Holiday

December 31
School Closed for New Year's Eve

January 1, 2020
School Closed for New Year's Day

January 6, 2020
Elk’s free eye screening.
Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet as well as ours.

January 7, 2020
Elk’s free eye screening.
Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet as well as ours.

November, 2019

What's Up

November 14
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

November 22
Thanksgiving Feast - 11:30 am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let me know how many people will be attending.

November 28
School closed for Thanksgiving
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 29
School closed for Thanksgiving Weekend

We still have Shop Riverside Cards. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2019

What's Up

October 3
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

October 5
Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery Annual Preschool Pumpkin Patch
There will be pumpkins to take home as well as a bouncy house and games for $5.00 per child (parents are free).

October 22 - 23
My First Handprints Fundraiser - 9:00 am
Handprints Fundraiser - $15.00 per child per ceramic handprint. Great for Christmas gifts. More information coming as the event gets closer.

October 31
Trunk and Treat Harvest Parties - 10:00 am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by October 28th. Please drop them off in the school office.

Classroom Harvest Parties
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item

Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.

- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.


- Our parking lot is being completely redone September 30th - October 25. Dropping off and picking up will only be affected October 21- 25th. Instructions will change daily so be patient with us.

- Riverside is being invaded by Aedes Mosquitos. We have had a few of them making their presence known. Our school has been checked by the Northwest Mosquito and Vector Control. We were informed they are not breeding here, so they can’t help us. Common spraying, etc., will not get rid of them, but repellents will work. I have attached information on mosquito bite prevention. We are not allowed to keep repellents at the school, but if your child is being affected it can be applied at home.

- Eden Lutheran Preschool has been informed of a new state regulation that will be enforced during nap-time. Children can only have a secure fitting sheet and 1 small blanket. No stuffed animals or pillows are allowed on the cots. If a child is having a hard time sleeping without their stuffed animal we can put it next to their cot on the floor.

September, 2019

What's Up

September 2
School closed for Labor Day

September 6
Back to School Night - Barbeque and Raffle - 5:30 pm
Chili Dog Dinner is on us. After dinner the families will go the classrooms to learn what the teachers have planned this year. We will be selling Shop Riverside Cards and raffle tickets to win beautiful quilts made by the Quilting Ladies of Eden Lutheran Church. Please let Dar know if your family will be attending.

September 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

We are selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the seventh year. They cost $15 per card. We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more information.

August, 2019

What's Up

August 1
School closed for In-service.

August 2
School closed for In-service.

August 5
First Day of School
Today we open the Duckies Room and the Foggy Room.

August 8
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

August 21
Picture Day - 9:00 am

Upcoming Events:

September 6
Back To School - 5:30 pm
Barbecue and Raffle
Dinner is on us. We will be selling raffle tickets to win beautiful quilts made by the Quilting Ladies of Eden Lutheran Church. Please let Dar know if your family will be attending.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by August 5. The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2018. Please refer to your monthly invoice or see the school office.

We will be selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the seventh year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more information. They will be available in September.

July, 2019

What's Up

July 4
School Closed

July 4
Church Celebration - 5:00 pm
Free hamburgers and hot dogs till 6:00- just bring a salad to share. Bingo-Please donate $10 in gift cards if you want to play. Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm. Free parking passes are required and are available in the church/school office. Phone: 951- 684-3336 or see Dar

July 10
Water Play Day
Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school

July 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

July 25
Water play day
Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 31
Jumper Day


August 1
Closed - Staff In-service

August 2
Closed - Staff In-service

August 5
First day of 2019-2020 School Year

It’s getting hot, so here are a few warm weather reminders:
- Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type to avoid cross contamination.
- Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
- If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. Children in Nettie’s room must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
- Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2019

What's Up

June 11
Water Play Day
Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school

June 13
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

June 21
Bounce House
Please, no dresses without shorts underneath or shoes that are difficult to remove and replace.

June 26
Water Play Day
Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school

Summertime reminders:
- Eden is a year-round preschool, so all of our students can remain enrolled throughout the summer. This includes the children that graduated in May, 2019.
- A written two week notice from the parent is required to drop your child from our enrollment or use vacation credit.
- Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
- Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child's name clearly marked on it. This is needed to avoid cross contamination.
- Kindly check your child's supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and that they are weather appropriate.

May, 2019

What's Up

May 3
Trike-a-thon - 10:00 am
Please bring in completed sponsor sheets.
Come and cheer them on.

May 6-10
Teacher Appreciation Week.
Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 10th.

May 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

May 27
School Closed for Memorial Day
Have a great holiday weekend!

May 31
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation - 11:00 am
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Ms. Vicki’s Birdie Class). Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30 am. Family and friends are welcome. There is no Pre-K class for the reminder of the day.

April, 2019

What's Up

April 5
Grandparent’s Day - 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Please let Dar know how many people will attend by April 2, 2019. This is a chance for your child’s Grandparents (or substituting adult) to come by and hang out with their little preschool student.

April 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

April 17
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home.
Family are Welcome, just bring a lunch and large blanket.
Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. Please drop them off in the school office by April 12th

April 19
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

Get Ready, Our Annual Trike-a-thon is May 3 - 10:00 am
Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets will be available this month.
Please collect pledges for your child.
Your support is needed and appreciated.

March, 2019

What's Up

March 1
Read Across America
Bring a book to school to share with your class

March 14
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 21
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

March 18
Spring pictures - beginning at 9:00 am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background as well as a solid color background of your choice. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Parents: Please remember to stock your child’s cubby with weather appropriate extra clothes. Please check daily for diapers and wipes if your child uses them.

February, 2019

What's Up

February 6
Riverside Fire Department
Demonstration in the parking lot at approximately 9:00 am

February 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something.
Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 14
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

February 18
School is closedin observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

It’s tax time again: Our tax identification number is 33-0820017.

January, 2019

What's Up

January 1
School Closed for New Year’s

January 2
School Closed for New Year’s Holiday

January 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

January 21
School Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday

January 29
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s.
Please complete the paperwork (if required) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children must be 3-8 years old. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate. Starts at 9:30 am.

January 30
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s.
Please complete the paperwork (if required) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children must be 3-8 years old. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate. Starts at 9:30 am.

Thank you to all the parents that bought items for our Holiday events. It means a lot to our staff and students.

- If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child. We are running out of extras.
- Please label all jackets and sweaters.
Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
- Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th .

December, 2018

What's Up

December 13
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

December 16
Eden Christmas Service - 10:00 am
Our children will sing Christmas songs at an Eden Lutheran Church. Please have them in their Sunday best. We are so excited.

December 19
Classroom Christmas Parties
Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a lunch item or treat.

December 21
Christmas Program - 10:00 am
Please have your child here by 9:30 dressed in their Sunday best.

December 24
School Closed for Christmas Eve

December 25
School Closed for Christmas

December 31
School Closed for New Years Eve

January 1 2019
School Closed for New Years Day

January 7 2019
Elk’s free eye screening. Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet.

January 8 2019
Elk’s free eye screening. Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet.

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

November, 2018

What's Up

November 8
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

November 16
Thanksgiving Feast - 11:30 am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let me know how many people will be attending.

November 22
School closed for Thanksgiving Day
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 23
School closed for Thanksgiving Weekend
Have a Blessed Holiday!

We still have Shop Riverside Cards. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2018

What's Up

October 6
The Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery (located close to our school) will be having a Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser on Saturday. There will be pumpkins to take home as well as a bouncy house and games for $5.00 per child (parents are free).

October 25
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

October 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties - 10 am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 26th. Please drop it off in the school office.

Classroom Harvest Parties:
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.

Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.

- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as weapons, or items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

We are selling the Shop Riverside Cards for 2019. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Don’t forget to pick one up and show them off to friends and relatives. They are easy to sell and make great gifts.

September, 2018

What's Up

September 3
School closed for Labor Day

September 13
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

September 17
Fall pictures starting at 8:00 am
Please return the Lifetouch information sheet to Dar’s desk before picture day.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due now and has been added to the September tuition fee if it has not already been paid.

We are selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the sixth year. They cost $15 per card. We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more information.

August, 2018

What's Up

August 2
School Closed for In-Service

August 3
School Closed for In-Service

August 6
First Day of School

August 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

August 24
Back To School - 5:30 pm
Barbeque and Raffle
This year the dinner is on us. We will be selling raffle tickets to win beautiful quilts made by the Quilting Ladies of Eden Lutheran Church. Please let Dar know if your family will be attending.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due by Sept.1 The new tuition rates will start on Aug.1, 2018. Please refer to your monthly invoice or see the school office.

We will be selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the sixth year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more information. They will be available in September.

July, 2018

What's Up

July 4
School Closed for Independence Day
Please join the Church Celebration - 5:00pm
Free hamburgers and hot dogs till 6:00 - just bring a salad to share.
Bingo - Please donate $10 in gift cards if you want to play.
Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm.
Free parking passes are required and are available in the church/school office.
Phone: 951- 684-3336 or see Dar

July 10
Waterslide and popsicles. Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

July 25
Water play day Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 31
Jumper Day
FYI- Just like most schools in Riverside our 2018-2019 school year will be starting in early August and ending in May. We will be closed August 2&3 for in-service training and start our year on August 6, 2018.
It’s getting hot-so here are a few warm weather reminders.

Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type.
Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. Children in Nettie’s room must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2018

What's Up

June 9
Church Rummage Sale - 8:00am-12:00pm
If you would like to donate anything to this event please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall June 6-8

June 14
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

June 15
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation - 11:00am.
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Ms. Vicki’s Birdie Class).
Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30am.
Family and friends are welcome. There is no Pre-K class for the reminder of the day

June 27
Bounce House
Please have your child dressed appropriately.

Summertime reminders:
-Eden is a year-round preschool, so all of our students can remain enrolled throughout the summer. This includes the children that will graduate on June 15, 2018.
-A written two week notice from the parent is required to drop your child from our enrollment or use vacation credit.
-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.

May, 2018

What's Up

May 4
Trike-a-thon - 10:00am
Come and cheer them on!
May the 4th be with us!

May 7-11
Teacher Appreciation Week.
Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday the 11th.

May 17
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

May 28
School Closed for Memorial Day

If you have any questions about Teacher Appreciation Week or the Trike-a-thon, please see Dar.

April, 2018

What's Up

April 4
Spring pictures - beginning at 9:00am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background as well as a solid color background of your choice.
The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

April 11
Dr. Harris, DDS: Tooth Talk 10:00am

Trike-a-thon information is sent home

April 12
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

April 20
Grandparents’ Day 10:00-11:00 am
Please let Dar know how many people will attend by April 5, 2018

We will be having our annual Trike-a-thon on May 4, 2018 at 10:00am.
Please plan to join us – It’s fun!

March, 2018

What's Up

March 5 - 9
Lutheran Schools Week
Theme: It’s Still About Jesus
Tuesday-6th: Bring a stuffed animal (clearly labeled)
Wednesday-7th: Wear red
Thursday-8th: Bring a bible story book (clearly labeled)
Friday-9th: Wear blue

March 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

March 16
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 23
Deadline to please bring 12 plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, stickers or fruit snacks for Egg Hunt.

March 28
Annual Egg Hunt and Easter Picnic
Please send a sack lunch with your child’s name clearly labeled.

March 29
Maundy Thursday

March 30
School Closed for Good Friday.

March 31
Holy Saturday

April 1
Have A Blessed Easter!

February, 2018

What's Up

February 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

February 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 19
School is closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

February 21
Riverside Fire Department demo in the parking lot at approx. 9:00 am.

It’s tax time again: Our tax identification number is 33-0820017.

January, 2018

What's Up

January 1
Closed for New Year’s Holiday

January 2
Closed for New Year’s Holiday

January 11
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

January 15
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
Have a great weekend!

January 29
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s. Please complete the paperwork (if required) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children must be 3-8 years old. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate. Starts at 9:30 am.

January 30
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s. Please complete the paperwork (if required) and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Children must be 3-8 years old. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate. Starts at 9:30 am.

Thank you to all the parents that bought items for our Holiday events. It means a lot to our staff and students.

- If your child is currently using borrowed bedding, please return it and bring those belonging to your child. We are running out of extras.
- Please label all jackets and sweaters.
Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
- Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th .

December, 2017

What's Up

December 14
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

December 20
Classroom Christmas Parties
Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a lunch item or treat.

December 22
Christmas Program 11:00 am
Please have your child here by10:30 dressed in their Sunday best.

December 25
School Closed for Christmas

December 26
School Closed for Christmas

January 1
School Closed for New Years

January 2
School Closed for New Years

January 3
Elk’s free eye screening.
Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet

January 4
Elk’s free eye screening.
Please fill out the required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet

November, 2017

What's Up

November 4
Eden Church Christmas Bazaar 9:00 am - 12 noon
An annual event, held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 9
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

November 17
Thanksgiving Feast 11:30 am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let me know how many people will be attending.

November 23
School closed for Thanksgiving - Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 23
School closed for Thanksgiving weekend

We still have Shop Riverside Cards. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2017

What's Up

October 11
Picture Day Starts at 9:00am
The pictures can be viewed and purchased from 3-6 pm.

October 12
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

October 14
Eden Lutheran Church is serving breakfast at Applebee’s on Mulberry St. to raise funds for hygiene packs for the homeless.
Tickets are $10 each can be purchased in the school office.

October 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties 10:00 am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 26th. Please drop it off in the school office.

Classroom Harvest Parties
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.
Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.
- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

We are selling the Shop Riverside Cards for 2018. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Don’t forget to pick one up and show them off to friends and relatives.
The Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery (located close to our school) will be having a Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser on Saturday, October 7, 2017. There will be pumpkins to take home as well as a bouncy house and games for $5.00 per child (parents are free).Please see the flyer.
Eden Lutheran Church presents a Reformation 500 Organ Concert. It will be on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 4:00 pm. See the flyer in the office for more details.

September, 2017

What's Up

Welcome to our new families.
Welcome back to our continuing families.

August 31
School closed for In-service

September 1
School closed for In-service

September 4
School closed for Labor Day

September 5
First Day of School

September 13
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

September 22
Back to School 5:30 pm
This year the dinner is on us. We will be selling Shop Riverside Cards and raffle tickets to win beautiful quilts made by the Quilting Ladies of Eden Lutheran Church. Please let Dar know if your family will be attending

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due now and will be added to the September tuition fee if it has not already been paid.
The new tuition rates will start on Sept.1, 2017. Please refer to your monthly invoice or see the school office.

We are selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the fifth year. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more information.

August, 2017

What's Up

August 8

August 10
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

August 30
Waterslide Day
Your child can wear their bathing suit under their clothes. Please bring labeled towel, water shoes and clothes to change into in a clearly labeled bag. Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before bringing them to school. Sunscreen will be reapplied using the sunscreen you have previously supplied.

August 31
School Closed

September 1
School Closed

Coming in September
- It’s time to re-register for school. $60.00 for the curriculum fee and $20.00 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by September 5th, 2017. Newly enrolled children may be exempt-please see Dar.
- The school is closed on September 5th for Labor Day. The first day of school for 2017-2018 is September 6, 2017.

July, 2017

What's Up

July 4
School Closed
Church Celebration 5:00pm
Free hamburgers and hot dogs till 6:00pm - just bring a salad to share.
Bingo - Please donate $10 in gift cards if you want to play.
Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm.
Free parking passes are required and are available in the church/school office.
Phone: 951- 684-3336 or see Dar

July 11
Jumper Day

July 13
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

July 19
Waterslide and popsicles.
Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 27
Jumper Day

It's getting hot-so here are a few warm weather reminders.

- Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type.
- Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
- If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. Children in Nettie's room must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child's cubby.
- Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2017

What’s Up

June 3
Church Rummage Sale 8:00am-12:00noon
If you would like to donate anything to this event please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall through June 2nd.

June 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

June 16
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation 11:00am
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Ms. Vicki's Birdie Class). Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30am. Family and friends are welcome.

June 21
Bounce House
We have purchased our own little Bounce House so we can get it out and have fun. Today will be our first day to try it. Please have your child dressed appropriately. It does not have a cover so please send clear spray on sunscreen if we don’t already have some for your child.

Summertime reminders:
-Eden is a year-round preschool, so all of our students can remain enrolled throughout the summer. This includes the children that will graduate on June 16, 2017.
-A written two week notice from the parent is required to drop your child from our enrollment or use vacation credit.
-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child's name clearly marked on it.
-Please check your child's supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.

May, 2017

What's Up

May 1 Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets are available.
Please collect pledges for your child. Your support is needed and appreciated.

May 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

May 8-12
Teacher Appreciation Week.
Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 12th.

May 19
Trike-a-thon - 10:00am
Come and cheer them on!

May 29
School Closed for Memorial Day

If you have any questions about Teacher Appreciation Week or the Trike-a-thon, please see Dar.

April, 2017

What's Up

April 5
Spring pictures, beginning at 9:00am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background as well as a solid color background of your choice. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

April 12
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home. Family are welcome, just bring a lunch and large blanket.
Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. Please drop them off in the school office by April 8, 2017.

April 14
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

April 19
Dr. Harris, a local dentist, will come for a tooth talk - 10:00am

April 20
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

Remember: tuition is due on the 1st of each month and considered late if not paid by the 16th. A $25 late fee will be attached each month to all past due accounts.

March, 2017

What's Up

March 6-10
Lutheran Schools Week
Theme for this year is “Love Beyond Measure”
Daily activities:
- Monday: Wear Blue
- Tuesday: Special Craft
- Wednesday: Pajama Day and bring a book
- Thursday: Wear Red
- Friday: Grandparent’s Day & Book Sale

March 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

March 10
Grandparents’ Day - 10:00am-11:00am
Please let Dar know how many people will attend by March 8, 2016.
This is a chance for your child’s Grandparents (or substituting adult) to come by and hang out with their little preschool student.
Sparkhouse Book Fair is underway.

March 17
St. Patrick’s Day
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch Day.
We hope to catch a Leprechaun this year.

February, 2017

What's Up

February 8
Riverside Fire Department demonstration.
In the front parking lot approximately 9:00am

February 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

February 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties.
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 20
School closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

-It’s tax time again. Our tax identification number is 33-0820017.
-Please check your child’s cubby and make sure appropriate clothing, including underwear is well stocked. If your child is not fully potty-trained, please make sure there is a full pack of diapers and wipes available.

January, 2017

What's Up

December 30, 2016
Closed for New Year’s Eve

January 2, 2016
Closed for New Year’s Day

January 3 & 4
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s. Please complete the required paperwork and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. If your child does not attend on these days an appointment can be made with Dar so your child can participate. Starts at 9:00 am.

January 12
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

January 16
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
Have a great weekend!

Thank you to all the parents that bought items for our Holiday events. It means a lot to our staff and students.

-Please label all jackets and sweaters.
Do not send hoodies or jackets with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th .

December, 2016

What's Up

December 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

December 14
Classroom Christmas Parties.
Please sign up in the classroom to bring something.

December 16
Christmas Program 11:00am
Please have your child here by10:30am dressed in their Sunday best.

December 25
School Closed for Christmas Day

December 26
School Closed for Christmas

December 30
School Closed for New Year’s

January 2
School Closed for New Year’s

January 3
Elk’s free eye screening. Please fill out their required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet.

January 4
Elk’s free eye screening. Please fill out their required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sign-in sheet.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

November, 2016

What's Up

November 5
Eden Church Christmas Bazaar 9:00am - 12:00pm
An annual event held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 10
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

November 18
Thanksgiving Feast 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let me know how many people will be attending.

November 24
School closed for Thanksgiving. Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 25
School closed for Thanksgiving weekend. Have a Blessed Holiday!

We still have Shop Riverside Cards. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2016

What's Up

October 12
Fingerprinting by Riverside Police Department 10:00am

October 13
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

October 26
Picture Day Starts at 9:00am

October 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties 10:00am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by Oct 26th. Please drop it off in the school office.

Classroom Harvest Parties
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.

Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.

- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.

If you have any questions or are able to help please contact me.

The Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery (located close to our school) will be having a Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser on Saturday, October 8, 2016. There will be pumpkins to take home as well as a bouncy house and games for $5.00 per child (parents are free). Please see the flyer.

September, 2016

What's Up

Welcome to our new families.
Welcome Back to our continuing families.

We are selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the forth year in a row. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more info.

September 1
School closed for In-service

September 2
School closed for In-service

September 5
School closed for Labor Day

September 6
First Day of School

September 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

September 23
Back To School 5:30pm
Barbecue Fundraiser and Raffle


Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due now and will be added to the September tuition fee if it has not already been paid.
The new tuition rates will start on Sept.1, 2016. Please refer to your monthly invoice or see the school office.

In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated September 20, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

August, 2016

What's Up

August 10
Jumper/Slide and snow cones.

August 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

August 24
Water play day
Your child can wear their bathing suit under their clothes.
Please bring labeled towel, water shoes and clothes to change into in a clearly labeled bag.
Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before bringing them to school.


It's time to re-register for school. $60.00 for the curriculum fee and $20.00 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by September 6th, 2016. Newly enrolled children may be exempt-please see Dar.
Coming in September:
The school will be closed September 1st and 2nd for Teacher's In-Service.
The school is closed on Sept.5th for Labor Day.
The first day of school for 2016-2017 is September 6, 2016.

In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated August 16, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

July, 2016

What’s Up

July 4
Church Celebration 5:00pm
Free hamburgers and hot dogs till 6:00- just bring a salad to share. Bingo-Please donate $10 in gift cards if you want to play. Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm. Free parking passes are required and are available in the church/school office. Phone: 951-684-3336 or see Dar

July 13
Jumper/slide and snow cones. Please apply sunscreen to your child before bringing them to school.

July 14
School Board Meeting 6:00pm
July 28 Water play day and popsicles. Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.
It’s getting hot-so here are a few warm weather reminders: Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type.
Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. Children in Nettie’s room must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

FYI: In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated June 21, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

June, 2016

What’s Up

June 4
Church Rummage Sale 8:00am-12:00noon
If you would like to donate anything to this event please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall through June 3rd.

June 16
School Board Meeting 6:00pm
At this time the Eden Lutheran School Board is looking for a parent or grandparent to be a representative. Please see Dar for details if you are interested.

June 17
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation 11:00am
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Ms. Vicki's Raccoon Class). Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30am. Family and friends are welcome.
Summertime reminders:
-Eden is a year-round preschool, so all of our students can remain enrolled throughout the summer. This includes the children that will graduate on June 17, 2016.
-A written two week notice from the parent is required to drop your child from our enrollment or use vacation credit.
-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child's name clearly marked on it.
-Please check your child's supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.

FYI: In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated June 21, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

May, 2016

What’s Up

May 2
Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets are available. Please collect pledges for your child. Your support is needed and appreciated.

May 2-6
Teacher Appreciation Week. Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 6th.

May 12
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

May 20
Trike-a-thon 10:00am
Fun-Fun-Fun! Come and cheer them on!

May 30
School Closed for Memorial Day

If you have any questions about Teacher Appreciation Week or the Trike-a-thon please see Dar.

FYI: In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated May 17, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

April, 2016

What’s Up

April 6
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background as well as a solid color background of your choice. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos. Please return the photo preference sheet to the office before picture day.

April 14
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

April 15
Grandparents’ Day - 10:00am-11:00am
Please let Dar know how many people will attend by April 11.

April 20
Dentist, Dr. Harris, gives a tooth talk - 10:00am

- There is a late fee of $2.00 per minute for children picked up after their designated time - 12:30 pm or 6:00 pm.
- In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated April 19, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

March, 2016

What’s Up

March 2-3
Bring a book to school to share with your class

March 10
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

March 16
Jumper! One of our families is donating a jumper today.

March 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 23
Annual Easter Picnic and Egg Hunt
Please send a sack lunch with your child's name clearly labeled.
Please bring 12 plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, stickers or fruit snacks by March 18.

March 25
School Closed for Good Friday.
Have A Blessed Easter!

FYI: In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas will be treated March 15, 2016 in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

February, 2016

What’s Up

February 10
Riverside Fire Department demonstration.
In the front parking lot approximately 9:00am

February 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

February 12
Class Valentine Lunch Parties.
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 15
School closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

-Please fill out the Sunscreen Utilization Permission Form and leave it on Dar’s desk. This form is required in each child’s file. Thank you in advance.
-It’s tax time again. Please see Dar for the tax ID number.
-FYI: In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility, we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated the third Tuesday of each month in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.

January, 2016

What’s Up

Dec 31, 2015
Closed for New Year’s Eve

January 3
School Closed for New Year’s Day

January 5 - 6
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elk’s. Please complete the required paperwork and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. Starts at 9:00 am.

January 8
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

January 19
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
Have a great weekend!

-Please label all jackets and sweaters. Do not send hoodies with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th .
-This is the first month for the new tuition rates.

December, 2015

What’s Up

December 10
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

December 13
Our children will sing Christmas songs at an Eden Lutheran Church service. Service starts at 10:00 am. Please have them in their Sunday best. We are so excited.

December 16
Classroom Christmas Parties.
Please sign up in the classroom to bring something.

December 18
Christmas Program - 11:00am
Please have your child here by 10:30am dressed in their Sunday best.

December 24
School Closed for Christmas Eve

December 24
School Closed for Christmas Day

December 31
School Closed for New Year’s Eve

January 1
School Closed for New Year’s Day

January 4 - 5
Elk’s free eye screening (rescheduled from the 7th and 8th). Please fill out their required paperwork and sign your child in that morning on their required sheet.

November, 2015

What’s Up

November 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

November 14
Eden Church Christmas Bazaar - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
An annual event held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 20
Thanksgiving Feast - 11:30 am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let Dar know how many people will be attending.

November 26
School closed for Thanksgiving

November 27
School closed - Have a Blessed Holiday!

The weather is changing and it’s getting colder. Please send your child in tennis shoes and with a jacket or sweatshirt so they can play outside. Please check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes.

We still have Shop Riverside Cards. They are $15 each and packed with discounts. Please purchase yours in the school office.

October, 2015

What’s Up

October 8
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

October 14
Picture Day starts - 9:00 am
Please remember to return required paperwork.

October 21
Fingerprinting by Riverside Police Department - 10:00 am

October 30
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties - 10:00 am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by October 26th.

Classroom Harvest Parties
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.

Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.

- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.
If you have any questions or are able to help please contact Dar.

The Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery (located close to our school) will be having a Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser on Saturday, October 10, 2015. There will be pumpkins to take home as well as a bouncy house and games for $5.00 per child (parents are free). Please see the flyer.

September, 2015

What’s Up

Special Note:
We are selling Shop Riverside Discount Cards for the third year in a row. They cost $15 ($10 profit per card). We are encouraging each family to purchase one as well as sell some to friends and family. This card is full of great deals- come and take a look. See Dar for more info.

September 3
School Closed for in-service

September 4
School Closed for in-service

September 7
School Closed for Labor Day

September 8
First Day of School

September 10
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

September 25
Back to School - 5:30 pm
Barbecue fundraiser and raffle

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due now and will be added to the September tuition fee if it has not already been paid.
The new tuition rates will start on Sept.1, 2015. Please refer to your monthly invoice or see the school office.

August, 2015

What’s Up

August 12
Jumper/Slide and snow cones.

August 13
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

August 19
Water play day
Your child can wear their bathing suit under their clothes.
Please bring labeled towel, water shoes and clothes to change into in a clearly labeled bag.
Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before bringing them to school.

It’s time to re-register for school. $60.00 for the curriculum fee and $20.00 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by September 8, 2015. Newly enrolled children may be exempt - please see Dar.

Coming in September:
The school will be closed September 3rd and 4th for Teachers’ In-Service.
The school is closed on September 7th for Labor Day.
The first day of school for 2015-2016 is September 8, 2015.

July, 2015

What’s Up

July 3
School Closed

July 4
Church Celebration - 5:00 pm
Free hamburgers and hot dogs- just bring a salad to share.
Bingo-Please donate $10 in gift cards to play.
Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm.
Free parking passes are required and are available in the church office.
Phone: 951.684.3336 or see Dar

July 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

July 22
Water play day and snow cones. Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.
TBA Jumper/Playhouse

It’s getting hot-so here are a few warm weather reminders.
- Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type.
- Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
- If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. Children in Nettie’s room must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
- Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2015

What’s Up

June 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

June 13
Church Rummage Sale - 8:00am to 12:00 pm
If you would like to donate anything to this event please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall June 10-12th.

June 19
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation - 11:00 am
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Mrs Doris’s Raccoon Class). Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30 am. Family and friends are welcome.

Summertime Reminders:
-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle for your child please clearly label the bottle. Ms. Nettie’s class can bring clearly labeled sippy cups, no water bottles with small caps are allowed in this room.

May, 2015

What’s Up

May 1
Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets are available.
Please collect pledges for your child. Your support is needed and appreciated.

May 4 - 8
Teacher Appreciation Week
Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 8th.

May 14
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

May 22
Trike-a-thon at 10:00am
Fun-Fun-Fun! Come and cheer them on!

May 25
School Closed for Memorial Day

If you have any questions about Teacher Appreciation Week or the Trike-a-thon please see Dar.

April, 2015

What’s Up

April 1
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home.
Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers.
Please drop them off in the school office by March 30, 2015.

April 3
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

April 8
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00 am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background as well as a solid color background of your choice. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos. Please return the photo preference sheet to the office before picture day.

April 9
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

April 29
Dr. Harris, a local dentist, will come for a tooth talk at 10:00 am.

Please welcome Elizabeth, “Lizzy”, as our volunteer aide.
She will be helping in the office, kitchen and classrooms on Mondays and Wednesdays.

There is a late fee of $2.00 per minute for children picked up after their designated times - 12:30 pm or 6:00 pm.

March, 2015

What’s Up

March 2-6
Scholastic Book Fair
Please come and look around in the school office.

March 6
Grandparents’ Day - 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Please let Dar know how many people will attend by March 4, 2015.

March 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

March 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch Day
We hope to catch a Leprechaun this year.

February, 2015

What’s Up

Feb 12
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

Feb 13
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

Feb 16
School is closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

Feb 18
Riverside Fire Department demonstration
In the front parking lot at approx. 9:00 am

- Remember: Grandparent’s Day is Friday, March 6.
- It’s tax time again: Please see Dar for our tax identification number if you need it.

January, 2015

What’s Up

December 31, 2014
Closed for New Year’s Eve

January 1
Closed for New Year’s Day

January 5-6
Free Vision Screening donated by the Elks. Please complete the required paperwork and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elk’s sheet the morning of the test. Starts at 9:00 am.

January 8
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

January 19
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
Have a great weekend!

- Please label all jackets and sweaters. Do not send hoodies with draw strings.
- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
- Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.
- This is the first month for the new tuition rates.

December, 2014

What’s Up

December 5
Parents’ Nite Out - 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Fun night of crafts and friends. $35 for first child and $25 for sibs.
RSVP now if interested.

December 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

December 17
Classroom Christmas Parties - 11:30 am
Please sign up in the classroom to bring something.

December 19
Christmas Program - 11:00am
Please have your child here by 10:30 am dressed in their Sunday best.

December 19
Parents’ Nite Out - 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm
$35 for first child and $25 for sibs.
RSVP by December 15.

December 24
School closed - Christmas Eve

December 25
School closed - Christmas Day

December 31
School closed - New Year’s Eve

January 1
School closed - New Year’s Day

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

November, 2014

What’s Up

November 8
Eden Church Christmas Bazaar - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
An annual event held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 13
Fingerprinting by Riverside Police Department
Visit from a motorcycle officer - 10:00 am
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

November 21
Thanksgiving Feast - 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let me know how many people will be attending.

November 27
School closed for Thanksgiving

November 28
School closed - Have a Blessed Holiday!

The weather is changing and it's getting colder. Please send your child in tennis shoes and with a jacket or sweatshirt so they can play outside. Please check your child's cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes.

October, 2014

What’s Up

October 8
Picture Day - Starts at 8:00am

October 16
Fingerprinting by Riverside Police Department
Visit from a motorcycle officer - 10:00 am
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

October 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties - 10:00 am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by October 27th.

Classroom Harvest Parties
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.

Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.

- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision.
If you have any questions or are able to help please contact me.

The Evergreen Memorial Historic Cemetery (located close to our school) will be having a Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser on Saturday, October 4, 2014. There will be pumpkins to take home as well as a bouncy house and games for $5.00 per child (parents are free). Please see the flyer in the office.

September, 2014

What’s Up

Welcome to our new families.
Welcome Back to our returning families.

September 1
School Closed for Labor Day

September 2
First Day of School

September 8
Fall Fundraiser starts
Shop Riverside Discount Cards

September 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm

September 26
Back To School - 5:30pm
Barbecue Fundraiser and Raffle

A re-enrollment fee of $80 will be added to your account as of September 2nd if you have not already paid it.

August, 2014

What’s Up

August 13
Jumper and snow cones

August 14
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

August 22
Water play day
Your child can wear their bathing suit under their clothes.
Bring labeled towel, water shoes and clothes to change into in a clearly labeled bag.
Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before bringing them to school.

August 28
School Closed for CPR training and Staff In-Service

August 29
School Closed for CPR training and Staff In-Service

It's time to re-register for school. $60.00 for the curriculum fee and $20.00 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by September 3rd, 2014. Newly enrolled children may be exempt-please see Dar.

Eden Lutheran School Event Calendars for 2014-2015 are available in the school office if you have not received one yet.

Coming in September:
The school is closed on Sept.1st for Labor Day.
The first day of school for 2014-2015 is September 2, 2014

July, 2014

What’s Up

July 4
School Closed
Church Celebration 5:00pm
- Free hamburgers and hot dogs, just bring a salad to share.
- Bingo: Please donate $10 in gift cards to play.
- Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm.
- Free parking passes are required and are available in the church office. Phone: 951- 684-3336 or see Dar

July 10
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

July 16
Jumper/Playhouse and snow cones

July 25
Water play day. Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

It’s getting hot, so here are a few warm weather reminders.
- Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type.
- Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
- If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. Children in Nettie’s room must have sippy cups instead of water bottles. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
- Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2014

What’s Up

June 7
Church Rummage Sale 8:00am - 12:00pm
If you would like to donate anything to this event please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall June 2-6.

June 12
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

June 20
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation 11:00am
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Mrs. Doris’s Raccoon Class). Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30am. Family and friends are welcome.

A few summertime reminders:
-Please bring spray-on, clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle for your child, please clearly label the bottle. Ms. Nettie’s class can bring clearly labeled sippy cups, no water bottles with small cap are allowed in this room.

May, 2014

What’s Up

Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets are available. Please collect sponsor pledges for your child. Your support is needed and appreciated.

May 1
National Day of Prayer

May 5-9
Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

May 9
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Please sign up to bring your specialty!

May 12
Return pictures or payment for pictures to the school office.

May 14
Dr. Shelia Tibbit, a local dentist, will visit at 10:00am to talk about dental health and care.

May 16
Trike-a-thon 10:00am
Please see flyer for details - the pledge form is on the back

May 26
School closed for Memorial Day
Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

May 30
All Trike-a-thon pledges are due. Thank you for your support!

April, 2014

What’s Up

April 2
Riverside Police Officer Neely Santos will come by in her police car to talk to the children about stranger danger and other important things.

April 9 (starting at 8:00am)
Spring pictures
The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

April 10
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

April 16
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home.
Please sign up in the office to bring something for the egg hunt.

April 18
School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

There is a late fee of $2.00 per minute for children picked up after their designated time -12:30pm or 6:00pm

March, 2014

What’s Up

March 3-7
Scholastic Book Fair
Please come and look around in the school office.

March 7
Grandparents’ Day 10:00-11:00am
Please let Dar know how many people will attend by March 5, 2014.

March 13
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

March 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch Day
We hope to catch a Leprechaun this year.

February, 2014

What’s Up

February 1
Fire Department Demonstration 9:00am

February 13
School Board Meeting 6:00pm
The School Board consists of volunteers from the church, Pastor Linda, the Director and two preschool parent representatives. These two people must be parents or grandparents of children enrolled in our preschool. Their purpose on the board is to represent the parents and children of Eden Lutheran School. The school board meetings are open to anyone wishing to attend. The current parent representatives are Amy Clark, Adam Clark’s mom and Pastor Jan Womer, Logan and Amberlin’s grandfather. If you would like to contact them please see Dar for their contact info.

February 14
Class Valentine Lunch Parties
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring a lunch item. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 17
School closed for Presidents’ Day.
Have a great long weekend!

January, 2014

What’s Up

January 1
Closed for New Year’s Day

January 9
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

January 11
Eden Lutheran Church E-cycling Event 9:00am-2:00pm

January 13-14
Free vision screening donated by the Elks. Please complete the required paperwork and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Parents or guardians must also sign in on a special Elks sheet the morning of the test. Starts at 9:00am.

January 20
School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
Have a great weekend!

- Please label all jackets and sweaters (do NOT send hoodies with drawstrings)
- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding (all items must be clearly labeled)
- Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2013

What’s Up

December 12
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

December 18
Classroom Christmas Parties
Please sign up in the classroom to bring something.

December 20
Christmas Program 11:00am
Everyone is invited to attend. Please have your child dressed in their “Sunday Best” and in their classroom by 10:30 am.

December 24
School closed for Christmas Eve

December 25
School closed for Christmas Day

December 31
School closed for New Year’s Eve

January 1
School closed for New Year’s Day

November, 2013

What’s Up

November 9
Church Christmas Bazaar 9:00am - 12:00pm
Shop Riverside Discount Card Fundraiser
An annual event held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 14
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

November 22
Thanksgiving Feast 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let Dar know how many people will be attending.

November 28
School closed for Thanksgiving
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 29
School closed for Thanksgiving weekend

Parents: The weather is changing and it’s getting colder. Please send your child in tennis shoes and with a jacket or sweatshirt so they can play outside. Please check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes.

October, 2013

What’s Up

October 1-11
Shop Riverside Discount Card Fundraiser
These cards cost $15 each and are packed with great discounts. The cards are available now with payment. Please have checks made out to Eden Lutheran School.

October 9
Fall Pictures 9:00am
This was scheduled for the 2nd, but Lifetouch needed to change dates.

October 23
Riverside Police department is coming to fingerprint each child and send it home to parents. 10:00am

October 24
School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

October 31
Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties.
Each family is required to bring a bag of individually wrapped candy, a box of fruit snacks or stickers by October 25.
Classroom Harvest Parties
- Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.
Trunk & Treat
- Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk.
- Please see Dar if you can help.
- Children can come in their costumes.
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume home in it.
- Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict their vision or movement.
If you have any questions or are able to help please contact Dar.

September, 2013

What’s Up

September 2
School Closed for Labor Day

September 3
First day of school for 2013-2014

September 11
Soccer Shots Demonstration at 9:30 am

September 12
School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

September 15
Eden Lutheran Church 125th Anniversary Celebration.
- Rally Day at 9:00am
- View various programs offered
- Service at 10:00am
- Fall Festival at 11:30am
- Anniversary Dinner at 12:30 - tickets required. Please see church office.

September 27
Back To School Night at 6:00pm
Fundraising Hot Dog Dinner and Raffle.

Continuing Families: A re-enrollment fee of $80.00 is due now and will be added to the September tuition fee if it has not already been paid.
The new tuition rates will take effect on September 3, 2013. Please refer to your monthly invoice or see the school office.

August, 2013

What’s Up
August, 2013

August 8
School Board Meeting 6:00 pm

August 14
Water play day - Your child can wear their bathing suit under their clothes. Bring labeled towel, water shoes and clothes to change into in a clearly labeled bag. Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning before bringing them to school.

August 29
School Closed for Staff In-Service

August 30
School Closed for Staff In-Service

It’s time to re-register for school. $60.00 for the curriculum fee and $20.00 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by September 3rd, 2013. Newly enrolled children may be exempt-please see Dar.
Eden Lutheran School Event Calendars for 2013-2014 are available in the school office if you have not received one yet.
Coming in September:
The school is closed on Sept.2nd for Labor Day.
The first day of school for 2013-2014 is September 3, 2013

July, 2013

What’s Up
July, 2013

July 4
School Closed

  • Church Celebration at 5:00pm
  • Free hamburgers and hot dogs - just bring a salad to share.
  • Bingo - Please donate $10 in gift cards to play.
  • Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm.
  • Free parking passes are required and are available in the church office. Phone: 951.684.3336 or see Dar

July 10
Water play day. Children need a swim suit, water shoes and a towel. They can wear their swim suit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them to school.

July 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm

July 24
Jumper/Playhouse and snow cones

It’s getting hot, so here are a few warm weather reminders.
Please provide a clearly labeled bottle of sunscreen for your child. All sunscreen must be the clear spray-on type.
Please apply sunscreen to our child each morning and we will reapply when needed.
If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.
Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals and water shoes must have a back strap.

June, 2013

What’s Up
June, 2013

June 7
All pledges from the Trike-a-thon are due. Thank you for your support.

June 8, 7:00am-12:00pm
Eden Lutheran Church Annual Rummage Sale

June 13, 6:00pm
School Board Meeting

June 21, 11:00am
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation
This ceremony is for Mrs. Doris’ Raccoon class. Please have your Pre-K child dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30 am.

Donations needed:
Eden Lutheran Church and School is collecting donations for two projects.
- Steppin’ On Up is a program that collects gently used and new shoes and delivers them to those in need. If you are able to help, please drop your donation into the tall, labeled box in Dar’s office.
Friends in Sight is a program sponsored by the Lions. They collect used prescription and non-prescription eyeglasses, repair them and give them to those who need them. If you are able to help, please drop the glasses in the labeled collection box near the sign-in book in Dar’s office.

May, 2013

What’s Up
May, 2013

May 1
Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets are available. Please collect pledges for your child. Your support is needed and appreciated.

May 6-10
Teacher Appreciation Week. Please sign-up in the office to bring a lunch item for the teachers on Friday 10th.

May 9, 6:00pm
School Board Meeting

May 27
School Closed for Memorial Day

May 31, 10:00am
Come and cheer them on!

If you have any questions about Teacher Appreciation Week or the Trike-a-thon please see Dar.

April, 2013

What’s Up
April, 2013

April 10
Spring Pictures and Pre-K Cap and Gown Pictures. Please turn in parent request forms from Life Touch before picture day.

April 11
School Board Meeting

April 18, 10:00am-11:30am
Riverside Police Department will send a police officer for a “Friendly Officer Visit”. The children will get to see inside a real police car and hear safety tips from Officer Neely.

*** NOTE *** The annual Trike-a-thon has moved to May 31st. More information will be included in our May newsletter.

March, 2013

What’s Up
March, 2013

March 1-15
See’s Easter Candy Fundraiser

March 4-8
Scholastic Book Fair in the school office. Please come by and check it out. If you would like to donate a book to your child’s classroom, the teachers have selected books they would like for their class.

March 8, 10:00am-11:30am
Grandparent’s Day - Please let me know how many people will be attending

March 14, 6:00pm
School Board Meeting

March 18
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 27
Annual Easter Picnic and Egg Hunt. Please send a sack lunch with your child’s name clearly labeled. Please bring 12 plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, stickers or fruit snacks by March 25.

March 29
School Closed for Good Friday. Have a Blessed Easter!

February, 2013

What’s Up
February, 2013

February 4, 7:00pm
Eden Lutheran Church hosts the Gustavus Choir.
Please refer to the flyer posted in the school office.

February 11
Eatin’ with Eden at Mazz Bar and Grill.
Required flyers are available in the school office.
This is a fun and delicious fundraiser for the church.

February 14
Valentine Lunch and Parties.
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring a lunch item.
Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.

February 18
School Closed for Presidents Day.
Have a great long weekend!

February 21, 6:00pm
School Board Meeting

January, 2013

What’s Up
January, 2013

December 31, 2012
Closed for New Year’s Eve

January 1, 2013
Closed for New Year’s Day

January 10, 6:00pm
School Board Meeting

January 14, 9:00am
Free vision screening (Day 1)
Donated by the Elk’s Club.
Please complete the required paperwork and place it on Dar’s desk before the test day. Parents or gaurdians must also sign in on a special Elks sheet the morning of the test.

January 15, 9:00am
Free vision screening (Day 2)
Donated by the Elk’s Club.
The same procedures apply as for Day 1.

January 16, 10:00am
Riverside Fire Department visit
Fire truck and fire safety demonstration.

January 21
School Closed
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Have a great weekend!

-Please label all jackets and sweaters.
Do not send hoodies with draw strings.
-Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
-Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2012

What’s Up
December, 2012

December 8 Asanti Children’s Choir - 4:00pm
Visiting Eden Lutheran Church from Africa. Free admission. Free-will offering. Potluck to follow. Bring your favorite dish to share.

December 13 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

December 19 Classroom Christmas Parties.
Please sign up in your child's class.

December 16 Thanksgiving Feast at 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let us know how many people will be attending.

December 21 Annual Christmas Program 11:00am
All the children will sing at this annual event.

December 24 School Closed - Christmas Eve

December 25 School Closed - Christmas Day
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November, 2012

What’s Up
November, 2012

November 8 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

November 10 Church Christmas Bazaar
This is an annual event held on Saturday morning in the Fellowship Hall at Eden Lutheran Church. Drop by for great Christmas gift deals. There are homemade jellies, quilts and other unique items.

November 16 Thanksgiving Feast at 11:30am
Join us for lunch with the children, staff and families. Please sign up in the office to bring a food item. Let us know how many people will be attending.

November 22 School closed for Thanksgiving
Have a Blessed Holiday!

November 23 School closed Thanksgiving weekend

Parents: The weather is changing and it's getting colder. Please send your child in tennis shoes and with a jacket or sweatshirt so they can play outside. Check your child's cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes.

October, 2012

What’s Up
October, 2012

October 10 Picture Day starting at 8:00am

October 11 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

October 17 Officer McGruff is coming to visit at 10:00am

October 31 Trunk & Treat and Harvest Parties at 10:00am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by October 26.

TBA Discount Fundraiser

Classroom Harvest Parties - Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item.
Trunk & Treat - Volunteers are needed to set up and run games out of their trunk. Please see Dar if you can help.
- Children can come in their costumes
- Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume home in it
- Please do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon, items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous
- Please no scary costumes, masks or costumes that restrict your child’s vision or movement

September, 2012

What’s Up
September, 2012

September 3 Closed for Labor Day

September 4 First day of School

September 10 Discount Card Fundraiser starts

September 13 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm
There is a parent representative position open on the board. Please see Dar for more information if you are interested.

September 21 Back to School Night 6:00pm
Dinner and raffle fundraiser

September 24 Discount Card Fundraiser ends today. Please turn the order form into the office.
Thank You for your help!

August, 2012

What’s Up
August, 2012

August 7 Beach Day (water play)
Wear bathing suit under clothes
Bring labeled towel and water shoes
Apply sunscreen before bringing your child

August 9 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

August 30 School Closed for In-Service and CPR training

August 31 School Closed for In-Service and CPR training

It's time to re-register for preschool. An annual fee of $60 for the curriculum fee and $20 for disaster preparedness are required. These fees are due by September 4, 2012. Newly enrolled children may be exempt.

Eden Lutheran School Event Calendars for 2012-2013 are available in the office if you have not received one yet.

Coming in September:
The school is closed on Sept. 3, 2012 for Labor Day.
The first day of school for 2012- 2013 is September 4, 2013.

July, 2012

What’s Up
July, 2012

July 4 School Closed - Independence Day
Church Celebration - 5:00pm • Free hamburgers and hot dogs (bring a salad to share) • Bingo (please donate $10 in gift cards for prizes) • Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm • Free parking passes are required and are available in the church office (951.684.3336)

July 11 Jumper/Playhouse and snow cones!

July 12 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

July 17 Water play day
Children will need a swim suit, water shoes (with backs) and towel. They can wear their swimsuit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please put sunscreen on your child before bringing them to school.

June, 2012

What’s Up
June, 2012

June 2 Church Rummage Sale 7:00am-12:00pm

June 14 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

June 15 Pre-Kindergarten Graduation 11:00am

June 20 Jump and Play House

Summertime Reminders:
Please check your child’s extra clothes for clothes that are weather appropriate.

Please bring a clearly labeled can of clear spray-on sun screen. We will keep this bottle throughout the summer.

May, 2012

What’s Up
May, 2012

May 1 Trike-a-Thon sponsor sheets are available. Please collect sponsor pledges for your child.

May 7 - 12 Teacher Appreciation Week

May 9 Return pictures or payment for pictures to the school office.

May 10 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

May 11 Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Please sign up to bring something.

May 25 Trike-a-Thon at 10:00am

May 28 School Closed - Memorial Day
Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

May 31 All Trike-a-Thon pledges are due. Thank you for your support.

Note: We are no longer collecting Capri Sun pouches. The company received more pouches than it expected and discontinued the program we were on. We are considering one of their other collecting projects and will keep you posted. Thank you for your support.

April, 2012

What’s Up
April, 2012

April 5 Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home.
Please sign up in the office to bring something for the egg hunt.

April 5 - 21 See’s Easter Candy Fundraiser

April 6 School closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

April 8 Easter Sunday! He is risen!

April 11 Spring pictures starting at 8:00am
The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

April 12 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

April 23 Mother’s Day Cards for sale in the school office

Reminder: There is a late fee of $2.00 per minute for children picked up after their designated time (12:30pm or 6:00pm).

March, 2012

What’s Up
March, 2012

March 5 - 9 Lutheran Schools’ Week
Scholastic Book Fair in the School Office

March 5 - 21 See’s Easter Candy Fundraiser

March 8 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

March 9 Grandparents’ Day 10:00 am - 11:30 am

March 16 Green Eggs and Ham lunch

March 20 Riverside Police Officer visits today

February, 2012

What’s Up
February, 2012

February 9 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

February 14 Class Valentine Parties
Please sign up to bring something in your child’s room.

February 20 School is closed in observance of President’s Day

- Tuition is due by the 1st of each month. A late fee of $20 will be
applied to your account if tuition is not paid by the 16th of each
- Please bring a clean and clearly labeled crib sheet and a blanket on the first day of attendance each week. Take these items home at the end of your child’s week to be laundered.
- Please keep extra clothes in your child’s cubby. Make sure they are weather appropriate.

January, 2012

What’s Up
January, 2012

January 2 New Year’s Day, school closed

January 4-5 Free vision screening
Donated by the Riverside Elks. Please complete the required paperwork and leave it on Dar’s desk.

January 12 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

January 16 School closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday

January 25 The Riverside Fire Department is coming by for a demonstration and to talk about fire safety at 10:00am

December, 2011

What’s Up
December, 2011

December 2 Turn in See’s Christmas Candy Orders

December 8 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

December 9 Expected date for Candy pick-up

December 12 Church Christmas Bazaar 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Handmade crafts, food, etc.

December 14 Classroom Christmas Parties
Please sign up in the classroom to bring something

December 16 Christmas Program 11:00 am

December 23 Christmas, school closed

December 26 Christmas, school closed

December 30 New Year’s, school closed

January 2, 2012 New Year’s, school closed

Have a blessed holiday!

November, 2011

What’s Up
November, 2011

November 10 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

November 12 Church Christmas Bazaar 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Handmade crafts, food, etc.

November 14 See’s Christmas Candy Fundraiser starts today. Turn in orders on December 2, 2011

November 18 Thanksgiving Feast 11:30 am
Please sign up in the office to bring something. Families welcome - Please let Dar know how many to expect.

November 24 Thanksgiving Day, school closed
November 25 Thanksgiving vacation, school closed

Have a great holiday!

October, 2011

What’s Up
October, 2011

October 5 Picture Day - Starts 9:00 am

October 13 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

October 19 A visit from Officer McGruff at 10:00 am

October 26 Trunk & Treat / Harvest Parties at 10:00 am
Each family is required to bring a bag of candy, fruit snacks or stickers by October 24

Classroom Harvest Parties:
Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring a special lunch item

Trunk & Treat:
Volunteers needed to set up and run games out of their trunk. Please see Dar (the Director) if you can help.

Children can come in their costumes.
Please provide a change of clothes for your child in a clearly marked bag so that we can send your child’s costume back in it.
Do not send weapons, items that can be used as a weapon or items that can be swallowed or considered dangerous.
Please no scary costumes or masks. Also no costumes that restrict your child’s vision.

If you have any questions or are willing to help, contact Dar (the Director).

September, 2011

What’s Up
September, 2011

September 1 School Closed for Teacher In-Service

September 2 School Closed for Teacher In-Service

September 5 School Closed for Labor Day

September 6 First Day of School
Fall Fundraiser starts - $10 Fantastic Fundraising Discount Cards

September 8 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm

September 23 Back to School Night at 6:00 pm
Dinner Fundraiser and Raffle

September 26 Fall Fundraiser ends
Turn in all discount card order forms

September 30 Dentist Visit
Dr. Mutinga will visit and talk about our healthy smiles

A re-enrollment fee of $80 will be added to your account as of September 1st, if you have not already paid it.

August, 2011

What’s Up
August, 2011

August 11 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm.

August 24 Water Play and Watermelon Day!
Wear bathing suit under clothes. Bring labeled towel and water shoes. Apply sunscreen before bringing your child.

August 24 Elks Club - Sponsored Vision Screening, 9:00 am.
Permission slip and sign-in needed. Please see Dar in the office.

It’s time to re-register for preschool. $60 for curriculum fee and $20 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by August 31st. Newly enrolled children may be exempt.

As an on-going fundraiser we are collecting empty Capri Sun packets for Terracycle. Please give them to Dar or leave them by the sign in book. Thank you for your support.

Eden Lutheran School Event Calendars for 2011-2012 are available in the office if you have not received one yet.

Coming In September:
The school will be closed for teacher in-service on September 1st and 2nd. Labor Day is September 5th and the first day of school for 2011-2012 is September 6th. We are looking forward to another great year at Eden Lutheran Preschool.

July, 2011

What’s Up
July, 2011

July 4 School Closed for Independence Day.
Have a safe and fun-filled holiday weekend! The church is having a big 4th of July celebration and barbecue. Please see the school office for flyers and parking passes.

July 13 Water play day. Children can come in their swim suit with a cover up. Please sunscreen your child before bringing them and we will reapply. Please have clothes to change into in a clearly marked bag. All children need water shoes and a towel.

July 14 School Board meeting at 6:00 pm.

It’s getting hot, so here are a few warm weather reminders:

Please apply sunscreen to your child each morning and we will reapply when we go outside.

If desired you can bring a clearly labeled water bottle for your child. It will be kept in your child’s cubby.

Children can not wear flip flops to school. All sandals must have a low heel and a back strap.

We are still collecting empty Capri Sun pouches for Teracycle as an ongoing fundraiser. Please leave them in the school office.

June, 2011

What’s Up
June, 2011

June 4, 7:00 am-12:00 pm - Church Rummage Sale

June 17, 11:00 am - Pre-Kindergarten Graduation
Please have the Pre-Kers dressed in their
Sunday best and here by 10:30 am

June 27 to July 1, 5:30-8:30 pm - Vacation Bible School
This year’s theme: Pandamania

A few summertime reminders:
- Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with
your child’s name clearly marked on it.
- Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must
have back straps and no heel.
- We are collecting empty Capri Sun pouches as
an ongoing fundraiser.

May, 2011

What’s Up
May, 2011

May 2-6 - Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6 - Teacher Luncheon
Please sign up to bring a lunch item for the teachers

May 12, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

May 19, 6:00 pm - Spring Open House & BBQ Fundraiser

May 30 - Memorial Day: School Closed
Have a great weekend!

April, 2011

What’s Up
April, 2011

April 8 - See’s fundraiser orders are due.
Candy should be in the 15th.

April 13, 8:00 am - Spring pictures
Pre-K children will have Graduation pictures taken.

April 14, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

April 18 - Mother’s Day Card Fundraiser starts
A large selection of cards are available in the
school office.

April 21 - Easter Picnic, Hunt & Parties
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch to school.
Please sign up in the office to bring a special item and
check with your child’s teacher for other classroom
needs. Thank you for your support!

April 22 - School is closed for Good Friday
Have a great Easter weekend!

March, 2011

What’s Up
March, 2011

March 4 - Trike-a-thon
All money is due for the fund-raiser

March 7-11 -
Scholastic Book Fair
Books will be displayed for purchase
from Mon. at 4:00 pm to Fri. 12:30 pm

March 11, 10:00-11:30 am -
Grandparents’ Day
Each child can invite a grandparent or special person
to spend the morning with them at preschool

March 11, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

March 17 - Green Eggs and Ham Lunch
Please sign up in the office to bring something

Thank you so much for your efforts and support!

February, 2011

What’s Up
February, 2011

February 7 - Trike-a-thon
Paperwork is available in the office

February 9, 10:00 am - Police Puppet Show
“Stranger Danger”

February 11, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

February 14 - Class Valentine’s Day Parties
Sign up to bring something in your child’s class

February 25, 10:00 am - Trike-a-thon
If you can help, please let Dar know

we are collecting Capri Sun pouches and old cell phones.
Please leave them in the school office.

January, 2011

What’s Up
January, 2011

January 7, 9:30 am - Riverside Fire Department Visit
Fire truck and fire safety demonstration

January 13, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

January 17 - Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
School Closed

- Please label all jackets and sweaters.
- Do not send hoodies with draw strings.

- Check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate extra clothes and clean bedding. All items must be clearly labeled.
- Tuition is due by the first of each month. A late fee will be attached to any account not paid by the 16th.

December, 2010

What’s Up
December, 2010

December 9, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting
Seeking another parent representative on the board. If you are
interested, please see Dar.

December 16 - Classroom Christmas Parties
See your child’s classroom for sign-up sheets.

December 17, 11:00 am - Christmas Program
Please dress your child in their Sunday best.

December 23&24 - School closed for Christmas.
We celebrate our Savior’s birth!

December 30&31 - School closed for New Year’s.
Have a great Holiday!

November, 2010

What’s Up
November, 2010

November 11 - 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

November 13 - Church Bazaar, 7:00 am - 1:00 pm

November 24 - School & Family Thanksgiving Feast
Please sign up in the office to bring something and let me
know how many people will be attending by Nov 15.

November 25&26 - School closed for Thanksgiving.
Have a great Holiday!

Thank you to everyone that sold and/or purchased discount cards.
This fundraiser was a great success because of your efforts and dedication.

Reminder: We are collecting empty Capri Sun pouches and old cell phones for recycling at Terracycle. Thank you!

October, 2010

What’s Up
October, 2010

October - Riverside Coupon Booklets Fall Fund-raiser underway

October 13 - Officer McGruff 10:00 am

October 14, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

October 12, 9:00 am - Sunday School Rally Day

October 15 - Riverside Coupon Booklet orders are due

October 21, 9:00 am - Fall Pictures

October 25 - Riverside Coupon Booklets will be ready pass out

October 29 - Trunk or Treat

- We would like to introduce a new staff member. Jennifer
Early will be joining us as a substitute teacher. She attended the CPR class with the staff and is looking forward to meeting our children and their families.

- Please bring 1 bag of candy, stickers or fruit snacks before October 26, 2010. This candy will be used for Trunk or Treat.

- We need volunteers for Trunk or Treat on the 29th. Please see Dar if you are able to help. It’s a lot of fun!!!

September, 2010

What’s Up
September, 2010

September 2-3 Closed for In-service

September 6 - Closed for Labor Day

September 7 - First Day of School for 2010-2011

September 9, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

September 12, 9:00 am - Sunday School Rally Day

September 16, 10:00 am - Health Department Puppet Show

September 23, 6:00 pm - Back to School Night/Fundraising Dinner
Will have a raffle for a beautiful tied quilt donated
by the Eden Lutheran Quilting Ladies

August, 2010

What’s Up
August, 2010

August 5 - Water Day
Wear bathing suit under clothes
Bring a labeled beach towel and water shoes
Apply sunscreen in the morning

August 12, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

August 27 - Water Day
Wear bathing suit under clothes
Bring a labeled beach towel and water shoes
Apply sunscreen in the morning

As an on going fundraiser we are collecting empty Capri Sun juice packets and old cell phones for Terracycle. Please give them to Dar, a teacher or leave them by the sign in book.

It is time to re-register for preschool. $60 for curriculum fee and $20 for disaster preparedness is required annually. These fees are due by August 31st.

Coming in September:
The school will closed for teacher in-service on Sept. 2nd and 3rd. Labor Day is September 6th and the first day of
school for 2010-2011 is Sept. 7th. We are looking forward to another great year at Eden Lutheran Preschool.

July, 2010

What’s Up
July, 2010

July 2 - School Picnic: Please wear red, white and blue
Bring a clearly labeled sack lunch and beach towel
We will have popcorn and snow cones
Movies in the afternoon

July 5 - School closed in recognition of Independence Day

July 16 - Water Day
Wear bathing suit under clothes
Bring a labeled beach towel and water shoes

July 19-23, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. - Vacation Bible School

July 20, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

July 29, 10:00 am - Department of Health Puppet Show

July 30 - Water Day
Wear bathing suit under clothes
Bring a labeled beach towel and water shoes

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!
(updated July 12 to reflect cancellation of VBS
and new event)

June, 2010

What’s Up
June, 2010

June 15, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting.

June 18, 11:00 am - Pre-K Graduation.

Thank you so much to everyone that participated and supported our Trike-a-thon. We had a great time.

Please remember that a two week notice is required when applying for vacation credit and dropping from our enrollment.

This month we will start our on-going Terracycle Fundraiser. We are collecting empty Capri Sun juice packets and used Starbucks bags. Our preschool will earn $0.02 for every packet and bag we collect. Please help earn money for supplies, etc. by bringing in these items. Thank you for your assistance.

May, 2010

What’s Up
May, 2010

April 26 to May 7 - Fundraiser: Mother’s Day cards on sale in the school office.

May 3 to 7 - Teacher Appreciation Week

May 7 - Teacher Luncheon-Please sign up in the office to bring a lunch item.

May 18, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting.

May 19, 4:00pm - School closes for staff in-service.

May 21 - Fundraiser: Trike-a-thon. Extra sponsor sheets available in the school office.

May 31 - School Closed for Memorial Day. Have great weekend!

April, 2010

What’s Up
April, 2010

April 1 - Sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt.
Please bring a sack lunch for your child and sign up in office to bring party stuff.

April 2 - Closed for Good Friday. Have a great Easter weekend.

April 14, 10:00 am - Puppet show given by the Riverside Police Dept.

April 20, 6:00 pm - School Board meeting.

April 22, 6:00 pm - Open House and Bar-b-que.
Cost: donation

*Please bring clean bedding for your child the first day they attend school for the week. We will need you to take it home at the end of each week for laundering. Your child’s nap cubby is in room 5.

*Please keep weather appropriate extra clothes in your child’s classroom cubby.

*Please label everything your child brings to school. This includes, but is not limited to bedding, clothes, share toys and jackets.

March, 2010

What’s Up
March, 2010

March 1 to 5 - Scholastic Book Fair
(Ends at 3pm. On Friday)

March 5, 10:00-11:30 am - Grandparents’ Day
Please let Dar know many people will be coming by March 3rd.

March 10, 9:00 am - Picture Day
(Spring and Graduation)

March 16, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

March 17 - Green Eggs and Ham Lunch Day
(Please sign up in the office to bring something)

February, 2010

What’s Up
February, 2010

February 12 - Valentine’s Lunch Parties. Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring something for their party.

February 15 - School closed for Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!

The Police Dept. cancelled their visit on January 27th and will be rescheduling. I will inform you of the new date when one is set.

Please help us with the following:
* Tuition is due by the first of each month. All payments made after the 16th must include a $20 late fee.
* Each child needs an extra set of clothes to be kept in their cubby.
* Bring clean bedding the first day your child attends each week and take it home after the last day they attend. Please make sure it is clearly marked with your child’s name.

January, 2010

What’s Up
January, 2010

January 1 - School Closed for New Year’s Day

January 18 - School Closed for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday

January 19, 6:00 pm - School Board Meeting

January 27, 10:00 am - Police puppets & Stranger Danger demo.

Tuition is due by the 1st day of each month and a $20.00 late fee will be added if tuition is not paid by the 16th.
Community Care Licensing requires that each child is signed in when they arrive in the morning and signed out when they are picked up.
There are no exceptions.