June, 2015
19/05/15 21:43 Filed in: Newsletter
What’s Up
June 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00 pm
June 13
Church Rummage Sale - 8:00am to 12:00 pm
If you would like to donate anything to this event please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall June 10-12th.
June 19
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation - 11:00 am
This program will only involve the Pre-Kindergarten class (Mrs Doris’s Raccoon Class). Please have your Pre-Ker dressed in their Sunday best and here by 10:30 am. Family and friends are welcome.
Summertime Reminders:
-Flip-flops are not allowed. All sandals must have back straps and no heel.
-Please bring spray-on-clear sunscreen with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
-Please check your child’s supply of extra clothes and make sure there are plenty and they are weather appropriate.
-If you bring a water bottle for your child please clearly label the bottle. Ms. Nettie’s class can bring clearly labeled sippy cups, no water bottles with small caps are allowed in this room.