Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

May, 2014

What’s Up

Trike-a-thon sponsor sheets are available. Please collect sponsor pledges for your child. Your support is needed and appreciated.

May 1
National Day of Prayer

May 5-9
Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8
School Board Meeting 6:00pm

May 9
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Please sign up to bring your specialty!

May 12
Return pictures or payment for pictures to the school office.

May 14
Dr. Shelia Tibbit, a local dentist, will visit at 10:00am to talk about dental health and care.

May 16
Trike-a-thon 10:00am
Please see flyer for details - the pledge form is on the back

May 26
School closed for Memorial Day
Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

May 30
All Trike-a-thon pledges are due. Thank you for your support!