Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

July, 2012

What’s Up
July, 2012

July 4 School Closed - Independence Day
Church Celebration - 5:00pm • Free hamburgers and hot dogs (bring a salad to share) • Bingo (please donate $10 in gift cards for prizes) • Bring lawn chairs and enjoy the fireworks at 9:00pm • Free parking passes are required and are available in the church office (951.684.3336)

July 11 Jumper/Playhouse and snow cones!

July 12 School Board Meeting at 6:00pm

July 17 Water play day
Children will need a swim suit, water shoes (with backs) and towel. They can wear their swimsuit to school. Bring extra clothes in a clearly labeled bag. Please put sunscreen on your child before bringing them to school.