Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

March, 2021

What's Up

March 2
Read Across America
Please have your child bring a book from home to share with their class. Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

March 11
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm

March 17
Green eggs and Ham Lunch

March 24
Spring Pictures beginning at 9:00 am
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background. The Pre-kindergarten class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

March 31
Annual sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
Each child is required to bring a sack lunch from home. Please bring 1 dozen plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped candy, fruit snacks or stickers. Please drop them off in the school office by March 26.

Donations Needed:
We are in need of empty Pringles canisters or tennis ball canisters. We need the tall ones to hold puppets up. We will be happy to empty them if they are unopened.

Thank You for wearing your face mask while on our facility.