February, 2016
23/01/16 01:53 Filed in: Newsletter
What’s Up
February 10
Riverside Fire Department demonstration.
In the front parking lot approximately 9:00am
February 11
School Board Meeting - 6:00pm
February 12
Class Valentine Lunch Parties.
Please sign up in your child’s room to bring something. Remember to check your child’s cubby and classroom information board for any special instructions from the teacher.
February 15
School closed in observance of Presidents’ Day.
Have a great weekend!
-Please fill out the Sunscreen Utilization Permission Form and leave it on Dar’s desk. This form is required in each child’s file. Thank you in advance.
-It’s tax time again. Please see Dar for the tax ID number.
-FYI: In order to control unwanted pests inside the classrooms, kitchen and outside areas of our facility, we employ Lloyd Pest Control. These areas are treated the third Tuesday of each month in the evening while they are unoccupied. Please feel free to check the parent board in the school office for a list of chemicals used and other information regarding this matter.