Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

March, 2022

What's Up

March 2
Read Across America
Please have your child bring a book from home to share with their class. Please have it clearly labeled with your child’s name.

March 10
School Board Meeting via Zoom 6:00pm

March 17
Green Eggs and Ham Lunch

March 23
Spring pictures beginning at 9:00
Each child will have their picture taken with the Spring background. The Pre-Kindergarten (Birdies) class will also be taking their Cap and Gown photos.

Grandparents’ Day will be combined with our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic. This event is scheduled on April 13, 2022.  We hope to see our Grandparents there.

Recently, I attended a Webinar sponsored by California's Child Care Licensing Program and Department of Public Health. I was informed that all teachers and parents must wear masks while inside the buildings at this time. The children must be encouraged to wear them also while indoors. We were told that they are hoping to change the mandates as COVID numbers decrease.

Remember to make sure your child has a clean and clearly labeled face mask each day.