Eden Lutheran Preschool

Loving Christian Care When You're Not There - Lic# 330907905

April, 2010

What’s Up
April, 2010

April 1 - Sack lunch picnic and Easter Egg Hunt.
Please bring a sack lunch for your child and sign up in office to bring party stuff.

April 2 - Closed for Good Friday. Have a great Easter weekend.

April 14, 10:00 am - Puppet show given by the Riverside Police Dept.

April 20, 6:00 pm - School Board meeting.

April 22, 6:00 pm - Open House and Bar-b-que.
Cost: donation

*Please bring clean bedding for your child the first day they attend school for the week. We will need you to take it home at the end of each week for laundering. Your child’s nap cubby is in room 5.

*Please keep weather appropriate extra clothes in your child’s classroom cubby.

*Please label everything your child brings to school. This includes, but is not limited to bedding, clothes, share toys and jackets.